BOSE Releases New report: Understanding and Improving Learning in Undergraduate Education
Discipline-Based Education Research: Understanding and Improving Learning in Undergraduate Science and Engineering (
vable, and students are challenged by important aspects of a particular domain that can seem easy or obvious to experts in that domain. The report recommends that institutions, disciplinary societies, and professional societies support faculty efforts to use evidence-based teaching strategies in their classrooms; that they work together to prepare future faculty who understand research findings on learning and teaching and who value effective teaching as part of their career aspirations; and that they support venues for DBER scholars to share their research findings at meetings and in high-quality journals. Like most NRC reports, it also lays out future research directions including exploring similarities and differences in learning among various student populations; longitudinal studies that can shed light on how students acquire and retain understanding (or misunderstanding) of concepts; studies that investigate student outcomes other than test scores; and studies of organizational and behavior change that could aid the translation of DBER findings into practice