What New Role Does 21st Century Learning Create For Parents? – Part 1

submitted by Nicky Mohan

Parents have a major role to play in their child’s education and a child’s success in school depends largely on how much his parents are involved with his learning and how they contribute in it. Parent involvement can be interpreted in many different ways.

Traditionally, it meant to attend every meeting, conference, function, etc., parents were invited to at school. Parent involvement in the 21st century means a great deal more than that. Parents today need to understand that they have a much more participative role in their children’s education. Parents are increasingly taking leadership roles in the school environment. They are forming groups and organized advisory councils to identify systemic issues in their children’s schools and are providing ideas and suggestions to solve those issues.


This is first of the 3 article series discussing about the new role that 21st century learning creates for parents. If parents today are asked to think of the classrooms where they spent their formative years, they would mainly envision a teacher instructing a class of passive students. The present day classrooms are no longer the same and have parents playing their part by taking on new roles. Schools are now making the shift to 21st century learning. Today students are required to learn a new set of skills that will prepare them for the challenges and changes ahead. Students can be fully ready for college and careers if along with academic knowledge, they also know about how to collaborate, think critically and creatively, and use technology tools to communicate. Rote learning and memorization won’t help students become the actively involved and creative thinkers who can work well with others. To embrace 21st century learning, there is a need to create opportunities for students to practice these critical skills through technology-rich experiences.

Learning in the Past

A major difference between 21st century education and education that went before it is the embedding of the 21st century skills in the curriculum. Earlier, skills like problem-solving or decision-making weren’t seen as important because when people left school, they went to work where they were told what to do and if they faced a problem or if a decision had to be made, they just took it to someone higher up rather than making it themselves. But in the modern world, there is more scope for autonomy and decision making at every level, we are all expected to be self-directed and responsible for our own work and autonomy. The 21st century competencies were not covered in yesterday’s schools. Academic rigor was defined by the 3 R’s (Reading, Writing and Arithmetic) and the coverage of a large amount of content and knowing the content was more important than understanding it.

Learning in the Present

As we know, that information is changing rapidly, so content doesn’t hold as much importance now and hence today’s students need the competencies to be able to apply previous experience to new situations and they need the ability to be lifelong learners because they will need to keep learning as the situations they find themselves in change.

Students should be engaged in more inquiry and project-based learning. Teachers, parents and guides need to be encouraging students to develop higher-order thinking skills.  They need to be guiding students as they direct their own learning.

Without a doubt technology can be used effectively to promote the building of 21st Century competencies. But just giving the student a new piece of technology for learning is not automatically going to bring about the changes in learning that we need. We need to rethink how students learn and we need to rethink what they are learning.  By ensuring that 21st Century competencies are embedded into all curriculum areas, all teaching, all assessments, and into the professional development teachers receive, children will be best prepared for their future careers.

The Reformed Role – From Parent as Supporter to Parent as Participant

In a special report entitled, A Vision for 21st Century Education by the Premier’s Technology Council (PTC) it has been emphasized that the new model of learning in the 21st century will be more collaborative and inclusive, changing the roles of the student, the teacher and parent.

According to it, the increased role of the parent has to be acknowledged. With greater information availability, parents can be more involved with their child’s education progress, overcoming challenges, and supporting learning outcomes. They now have the opportunities to learn more quickly and more intimately what their child is doing at school and can help guide decisions and respond to challenges more rapidly.

Technology allows far more access to the student’s progress than the periodic report cards and parent teacher interviews of today. Now, parents can expect and they do even receive greater feedback than in the past. With all this, it is also important for parents to recognize their educational role outside the classroom since the learning of a student outside of the school is critical. “Students only spend 14% of their time at school. Indeed, learning is an inherent part of everyday life: each new experience, at home, at work, or during leisure time, may throw up a challenge, a problem to be solved, or a possibility of an improved future state.”

While a stronger role for parents is envisioned, it has to be considered that not all students have the family support structures that will allow such involvement. The system must be structured in such a way that those who face societal barriers such as being single or immigrant parents are also able to participate while the system incorporates the support structures necessary to ensure the students get the support they need.

More about the new role of parents in 21st century learning is discussed in the next part of the series.

Nicky Mohan
Director, The InfoSavvy Group
Mobile:+01 (604) 368 6619
E-mail: nickymohan@me.com
Skype: mnmohan70 (Auckland)

In Shift to Common Core, Schools Need to Make Time for Collaboration


Submitted by Nicky Mohan
If you ask high school math teachers about the Common Core State Standards, you will most likely get mixed reactions. Some rejoice in the complexity and rigor of the standards and the mathematical practices, while others consider the implications for classroom practice—and the current lack of resources—with a great deal of anxiety. The instructional shifts require major changes in the ways that students are presented with information as well as assessed. Teachers can no longer rely on skill-based lessons in which students are “GPS’d” through problems to specific answers. Common-core implementation requires math teachers to start with students’ misconceptions and then teach the skills necessary for students to create their own understanding.

So, yes, there are some things that we need to take off teachers’ plates in order to make these shifts happen effectively. But I would argue that we must also rethink our notions of time and scheduling within the school day. Together, teachers can solve problems, design lessons, analyze data, and create assessments much more effectively than in insolation. Schools must provide teachers with more time to collaborate, and here are four ideas that could help:

1) Make room for common planning time

Although many schools already engage in this practice of creating a master schedule that allows teachers to have a common planning time during the school day, some (like mine) do not. Here is what a colleague had to say about a past experience:

“I had common planning with the entire math department and it was extremely beneficial. Did we meet every single day? No, but we did meet frequently to review what was and wasn’t working. This included lesson strategies, formative assessments, and summative assessments.”

 2) Provide co-teaching opportunities

One summer, I joined forced with a fellow math teacher to teach a group of 40 students who had previously failed Algebra I. The two of used separate classrooms that were right across the hall from each other and co-taught the entire group. It was the best professional-learning experience I have ever had. Working closely with another teacher to develop and execute lessons is a valuable experience that I know would support long-term positive impacts on the growth and implementation of common-core-aligned instructional strategies.

3) Let teachers lead

Since classroom teachers are the ones developing and implementing new instructional practices for their students, they should be given leadership opportunities to share ideas and bring their work to scale. What would it look like if every grade level or subject area had a master teacher who was given release time to work alongside their colleagues to create resources, analyze data, and provide meaningful professional development?

4) Meet only to “decide and commit”

Currently, teachers spend quite a bit of time attending ineffective meetings that are irrelevant to their classrooms and students. To curb this, business-leadership coach Fred Kofman offers this advice: “The only goal for a meeting is to ‘decide and commit.’ “  He recommends that any other objectives—including reviewing, discussing, evaluating, updating—be eliminated from meeting agendas; such activities can often be accomplished by other means, including e-mail. By limiting the time that teachers spend in meandering administrative meetings, teachers will have more time for authentic work and collaboration around the common standards.

What other changes could allow teachers more time to implement the common-core standards?


Nicky Mohan
Director, The InfoSavvy Group
Mobile:+01 (604) 368 6619
E-mail: nickymohan@me.com
Skype: mnmohan70 (Auckland)

10 Reasons Students Say They Prefer Learning Online


Ever wonder how students feel about learning online? At the recent iNacol Virtual Schools Symposium participants were treated to an experience that is surprisingly is rarely available at education conferences. We had the opportunity to hear directly from a panel of students who explained why they preferred learning online. Here are some of the reasons shared by these students and others I heard from explaining why students preferred this method of learning.

10 Reasons Students Prefer Learning Online

1. I can sleep in
While this may sound indulgent to the over-30 crowd who is often of the mindset that students need to be prepared for the 9 – 5 world into which they will graduate, the reality is this.
Adolescents need more sleep.
Adolescents often function best late at night and do not function well early in the morning.
The jobs today’s adolescents will have quite likely will not fit the traditional 9 -5 mold.

It makes sense that students enjoy the opportunity to learn when they are well-rested and most alert. Research studies indicate that students enjoy learning on a schedule aligned to their circadian rhythms rather than the schedule that in many districts was created to enable bus companies to operate most efficiently. As a result traditional school has classes full of students who every day feel the kind of tired that is akin to being jet lagged.

2. I can pursue my passions
A flaw with the American education system is that there is little to no focus on pursuit of our dreams and passions which is often driven by a system that rewards rote memorization and mediocrity. Several students who learn online are doing so because they are pursuing a passion that does not allow them to fit in to the traditional school system. How wonderful it is that students are able to begin exploring and developing their passions while they are in school. We heard from a student who competes in horse competitions, for others it might be music, writing, acting, or filmmaking. We must stop teaching subjects and start teaching students who can be writers, scientists, singers, dancers, and historians today.

3. I can focus on my work without distractions from my classmates
For many students school is a huge distraction, especially in high school where the focus in often more on socializing and fitting in then on learning.  Students shared that in online classes, many of the regular distractions from socializing, to intercom announcements, to disruptive students, no longer existed and they could place their attention on learning.

4. I can move at my own pace
A tremendous benefit of learning online is that, when done right, students can learn at their own pace. For some, this might mean they can demonstrate competency upfront and get credit for the class. For others this may mean moving at a slower pace and receiving additional supports if necessary.

5. I don’t have to compete to share my thoughts and ideas
Students in online environments enjoy the equity in the ability to share thoughts and ideas. No longer is it just the student in the front of the room or the one with the loudest voice who is heard. When learning online the playing field is leveled and opportunities are in place such as commenting on posts, videos, and student work or participating in discussion forums. These environments provide students with varied opportunities to share their thoughts and ideas.

6. I can take more interesting classes
Providing online opportunities for students means providing more choice. Students can more easily pursue study in areas of interest. They are no longer dependent on the staffing limitations of their particular school or community.

7. I can learn with a schedule that meets my needs
There are a number of reasons that students might not be able to participate in the traditional classroom environment. These students have often been left behind. One might be caring for a sick relative; another required to watch a sibling, for some pregnancy or incarceration has interfered with education attainment. These students no longer need to be left behind if online options are provided.

8. I can learn despite health issues that might get in the way of a traditional class setting
Students who haven’t found success in the traditional environment due to health issues can thrive in online environments. While this might include a student who is hospitalized, has certain disabilities, or is suffering from a terminal illness, many students have less obvious issues that have made success in traditional school settings difficult. Perhaps a student suffers from a sleeping disorder, social disorder, or from an intestinal condition that just doesn’t fit with the bell schedule. These are just a few examples that in the traditional school setting result in students who end up leaving the system due to excessive absences/tardiness, or labeled as just not paying attention…because they are sleeping in class and miss the material covered.

9. I can easily communicate with my teacher when I need to
Students participating in online environments often share that they appreciate the ease and opportunities available to communicate with their teacher. It is often difficult, if not impossible, to get your teacher’s attention in a traditional 45-minute period and if you do, you may not want to have your discussion heard by the entire class. Online environments typically have structures in place where students can easily send private instant messages or emails to their teacher leaving them feeling much more supported by and connected to their teacher.

10. I can easily communicate with my classmates when I want to
A traditional classroom setting often discourages students from communicating with one another. It can be considered disruptive to instruction or limited by the physical placement of students. The online environment makes it much easier for students to connect with one another on topics of interest in both synchronous and asynchronous environments.

Though the technology exists to provide these environments for students, sadly, few students have, or know they have, such opportunities available to them. For most students, they exist, or are unable to exist, in an educational system stuck in the past that has not introduced them to such options. Why? There are several reasons which include being in a system that requires us to follow outdated policies that may have worked for yesterday’s students, but do not work today. Changing these policies in a bureaucratic, slow-moving, political climate can be a tremendous task. Additionally, many of the customers (students and their parents) don’t even know this option exists. And, another reason of course, is because schools (and parents) are used to doing things the way they’ve always done them. However, doing things they way they’ve always been done hasn’t proven effective for most industries and it shouldn’t be accepted for our students any longer either.

What Makes a Change Agent?


There are some educators out there that make classroom technology integration look easy. For most of us, it’s a daunting task: converting your paper-and-folder, marker-and-poster classroom systems to mobile devices and the cloud. And the ones who dig right in, despite their reservations, to equip their students with the educational technology experiences they need for a 21st century education seem to have an invincible air about them.

So what’s different about these teachers? What key traits do they have in common that make them stand out as leaders and technology whizzes in their communities?

classroom technology

Fresh Perspective

For starters, they are often new to the field, and they’re not necessarily fresh out of school. In many cases, folks are choosing teaching as a second career and bringing their tech skills to the classroom. Education is one of the only fields that hasn’t yet integrated technology fully into its workings, so many people from other industries find ways to apply their business or engineering tech skills to the classroom. People who can bring new ways of thinking into an educational setting are often more comfortable taking the plunge with technology. And yes, some of them are also fresh out of teacher prep programs and are carrying those experiences into their first jobs.

Curiosity Doesn’t Actually Kill Cats

They are naturally curious people. You know the ones—they read a lot, ask a ton of conversational questions, and seem to have endless free time for diverse hobbies. They’re tinkerers, always looking for the best way to keep their calendars or manage their checking account. These people aren’t afraid to try something new. Where many of us would prefer systems that work well and that we can easily control, these change-addicts get bored easily and are always looking to integrate a little spice in all areas of their lives. They gravitate toward technology out of curiosity, and can envision how it might work in their classrooms too.


They “play well with others.” Let’s face it—some of us were more cut out for teamwork than others. It can be hard to come together and work cooperatively, especially with a huge personal workload and limited time. But these instructors know how to come to the table and collaborate. Often technology integration has many moving parts, and requires people with a variety of roles (superintendents, IT folks, educators, parents, etc.) to work together, prioritizing and problem solving. Those who have an affinity for this way of working tend to be the ones pioneering ed tech initiatives.

Ask For Help

They are good at asking for what they need. Many schools have setups that are not technology-friendly. There is still much ground to cover in terms of policy, rules, teaching methods, and more. However, the change agents that tend to take on the challenge of new technology-rich teaching methods are very good at identifying and asking for what they need. These are the teachers that get the green light for unconventional classroom setups, more funding for devices or e-materials, or a meeting with the principal or superintendent.

It takes a special kind of personality to think creatively about instruction and to initiate change in the classroom and beyond. For those who aren’t naturally inclined to shake things up, it can be helpful to work on one or two of these traits. Experiment with keeping a Google calendar for appointments, or create a Pinterest board as a wish list of ideas for your classroom. Sometimes just thinking about the possibilities is a good way to strategize for the future.

Technology integration should be a key priority for all teachers, even if your district hasn’t formally begun such efforts. It is already part of students’ day to day lives outside the classroom—and the more we can weave it into the classroom, the better prepared we’ll all be for the advent of new learning environments.

Digital Learning’s Popularity Is Skyrocketing, But Many Myths Go Undisputed

As digital learning in the classroom gains more support from educators, parents, and students, a national education group has released a toolkit that defines digital and blended learning, offering tips to help promote the benefits of a more digital-centric education.

The Center for Education Reform’s 2014 Digital Learning Toolkit [2] defines blended learning as “an approach that involves a myriad of delivery mechanisms via online tools for students, no matter where they live or attend school.”

The toolkit offers tips on how to debunk myths about online learning, ways to change public discourse, and how to clearly promote and express blended learning’s benefits to community leaders, the media, and policymakers.

According to the toolkit, one key tip involves using data to back up arguments in favor of digital and blended learning, because data showing real results can have a powerful impact. Another is to define objectives instead of simply asking for change—in fact, that’s the basis to all successful technology initiatives in schools: Defining an objective or goal and then determining the best path and tool to achieve desired outcomes.

The toolkit links to additional resources for information on blended and digital learning, and suggests using social media to stay updated on the latest information and to connect with others who are discussing the topic.

Eight digital learning myths

  • We can just say ‘innovation’ and look like we’re doing something. According to an October 2013 poll from the Center for Education Reform, when asked to name a promising new educational innovation, most participants simply answered “technology,” as in the use of computers and the internet. Using the word “innovation” doesn’t ignite any sparks for the average citizen. To really discuss innovation, proponents should talk about real progress and student results.
  • Online learning is a short-term trend. Online learning comes in many different forms, be it an online class, webinars, blended learning programs, or virtual charter schools. According to the Center for Education Reform, “the number of students attending full-time online schools has grown from approximately 200,000 in 2009-2010 to 310,000 in 2012-2013.” Additionally, 48 of the 50 states, as well as the District of Columbia, are offering some form of online learning opportunities.
  • Online learning is only for gifted students. Online learning is a great tool for any and all students, according to the toolkit. It lets students work and learn at their own pace, allowing them to spend more time on concepts that are more challenging to them. It also is a great tool for students who don’t have as many schooling options available to them, such as those who live in rural or inner city areas or those with special needs.
  • Online learning is only available to families with computers. Schools that offer blended and digital learning provide students with computers and other tools they may need to participate. They often open media centers during non-school hours.
  • Online learning is cheaper. Though there’s no physical classroom to go to, online learning still requires a great deal of funding. Online learning institutions need computers, technology programs, teachers, and various other employees to keep the programs running, and because online learning is still somewhat controversial, it does not always receive the funding it requires, which can drive up the price of classes.
  • Online learning has no real accountability. Virtual schools are held to state and federal standards, as are the institutions’ teachers. Students participating in online classes are expected to attend, participate, and take tests just like students who sit in a physical classroom.
  • Online learning isn’t getting positive results. According to the Center for Education Reform, the best way to measure the success of digital learning is by measuring growth in academic performance. Though digital learning programs have created their own assessments that do show progress, there are currently no state programs to measure this growth.
  • Online students have no social interaction. Students who take online classes get the same or more individual time with teachers and the other students as they would in a physical classroom. Virtual classrooms also give shy students a platform to participate where they may be uncomfortable to do so in person. Most classes are only part-time, so students take a couple classes online and the rest in a traditional school setting, allowing them to experience the best of both worlds.

20 Twitter Hashtags Every Teacher Should Know About

This is a repost of   on January 31, 2012@edudemic

I think his list is great and can be added to….send them to me and I will create a google document and share it publicly.
 Twitter chats are such a great way to stay connected and informed in your professional circle, and education is no exception. Through education chats, you can find out about new methods for teaching, tech resources, even jobs for teachers. Most chats are held weekly, and offer an opportunity to have a regularly scheduled conversation with like-minded educators.

Check out our collection to find a wealth of Twitter chats that are great for all kinds of educators.


These Twitter chats cover anything and everything in education, and represent a great jumping off point for those just getting started in Twitter education chats.

  1. #edchat – Talk to a variety of educators around the world through #edchat, Tuesdays at noon and 7 p.m. EST.
  2. #lrnchatEvery Thursday night from 8:30-10 p.m. EST, you can connect with other educators and discuss learning.
  3. #edbkchat – On Wednesdays at 4 p.m. EST, you can discuss educational books and topics in learning and pedagogy.
  4. #spnchat – Find out about successful practices in education and education reform through #spnchat Tuesdays at 9 p.m..
  5. #ptchat – Wednesdays at 9 p.m. EST, parents and educators around the world can open the lines of communication on #ptchat.
  6. #urbaned – This Twitter chat for educators discusses topics relevant to urban education and beyond, every first and third Sunday of the month at 9 p.m. EST.
  7. #teachchat – Connect with other teachers and find out what they’re doing in their classrooms on #teachchat Wednesdays at 9 p.m. EST.
  8. #teaching2030 – Discuss big picture education issues, strategies, and reform through the #teaching2030 chat, every third Thursday at 8:30 p.m..
  9. #smedu – Wednesdays at noon and 9 p.m. EST social media professionals, students, educators, and more can discuss using social media in education in this chat.
  10. #ntchat – New teachers can learn more about their profession with ideas, collaboration, and more for getting starting through #ntchat on Wednesdays at 8 p.m. EST.
  11. #educoach – Wednesdays at 10 p.m. EST, you can find instructional coaching for improving education.
  12. #gtchat – Fridays at noon and 7 p.m. EST, gifted and talented educators, administrators, parents, and students can discuss new developments in developing gifted and talented programs around the world.
  13. #spedchat – Follow this weekly discussion on issues for students and teachers in special education Tuesdays at 8:30 p.m. EST.

Administration and Behavior

Check out these Twitter chats to get connected and discuss topics concerning school administrators.

  1. #AcAdv – Tuesdays from 8-9 p.m. EST, you can talk to academic advisors and other colleagues about advising.
  2. #SAChat – Discuss student affairs with other professionals in the industry Thursdays from 12-1 p.m. CST and 6-7 p.m. CST.
  3. #isedchatTalk about independent schools Thursdays at 9 p.m. on #isedchat.
  4. #CUAD – At 2 p.m. on Tuesdays, you can discuss college unions and activities with higher education student affairs professionals and educators.
  5. #cpchatConnect with other principals in this always-open chat.

Subject Chats

English teachers, librarians, and other educators in special subjects can check out these chats for great information and resources.

  1. #engchat – At 7 p.m. each Monday, you can come together with other English teachers to discuss improving English instruction.
  2. #DUedchat – Chat with educators Down Under in this chat each Thursday 9 p.m. New Zealand time.

50 Education Startups That Got Funded in 2013

50 Education Startups That Got Funded in 2013

There has been rising support for education startups these days and many funding companies are willing to raise funds for these organizations. Startups in the field of education are found to be promising and investing in them is considered safe and doesn’t involve a lot of risks.There are several education startups that have received funding recently, here’s a list of 50 education startups that got funded in 2013:

  1. Socrative: Develops a smart student response system, raised $750,000 in seed funding from True Ventures, NewSchools Ventures, and a handful of angel investors, including LearnLaunchX co-founders, in August’2013.
  2. Artsly: A video-based social learning platform, raised $175,000 from Europe-based investor Kima Ventures, in July’2013.
  3. Flashnotes: An online student-to-student marketplace for buying and selling class study material, raised $1.5m seed funding from a new investor Nicole Stata of Boston Seed Capital, return investors Ryan Moore of Atlas Venture, Jordan Levy of Softbank Capital, and angels Deborah Quazzo, Jere Doyle and Bob Mason, in July’2013.
  4. ClusterFlunk: A platform that connects university students to other students in their lectures, raised $100K in seed funding in July’2013.
  5. ExecOnline: Provides school partners with everything they need to develop online executive education programs, raised $1.22M in seed funding, in July’2013.
  6. Schoo: A MOOC startup providing live-streamed lectures on the internet, raised 152 million yen (approximately $1.52 million) from Itochu Technology Ventures, Incubate Fund, and Anri, in July’2013.
  7. CollegeFrog: Is a website that enables students and employers to find a career match, raised $296k in seed funding, in June’2013.
  8. Silverback Learning Solutions: An education software provider, raised $2.5 million from a collection of angel investors in June’2013.
  9. Anomo: A mobile location-based social discovery app, raised $398k in Venture Round funding, in June’2013.
  10. Copley Retention Systems: A leading provider of student retention and success systems, received Series A financing led by Mark Cuban and including Tom DiBenedetto, and a prior $691K in seed funding during June-July’13.
  11. Admitted.ly: A college advisory tool that raised $40K in seed funding in June’2013 and $375K in Convertible Note Funding in July’2013.
  12. Forsyth Technical Community College: Provides students with exceptional technical education and training, college transfer and more, raised $490,568 from the National Science Foundation, in June’2013.
  13. Crowdmark: An online collaborative grading platform, raised $584k (C$600k) in seed funding, in June’13.
  14. Fastr: A developing subscription-based ebook app, raised $50K in seed funding in June’13.
  15. WeStudy.In: A Moscow-based platform that supports Russian students in studying at schools abroad, raised $300k in funding by Mikhail Frolkin, the managing partner of HeadHunter, in June’2013.
  16. Graduateland: Is creating a large recruitment network of international universities, by offering a free plug’n’play career portal for their intranet, received funding, the amount details of which have not yet been announced, in June’2013.
  17. Tabtor: Currently on iPads, is a flagship educational technology platform for all tablet computers from PrazAs Learning Inc., raised $1M from  New Jersey-based SoundBoard Angel Fund, Aarin Capital Partners, Sand Hill Angels, BITS Spark Angels and other individual investors, in June’2013.
  18. JoyTunes: A platform that allows users to learn music through games, raised $1.5m in seed funding led by Genesis Partners, with participation from Founder Collective, Kaedan Capital, and angel investors Dana Messina, Eran Shir, Joe Lonsdale, Zohar Gilon and others, in May’2013.
  19. MarcoPolo Learning: Makes educational digital toys that inspire kids to explore the world around them, received $1M in seed funding, in May’2013.
  20. Atlas Learning: An interactive learning start-up which provides device-independent applications for the education market, raised an amount in Angel funding, in May’2013.
  21. Learnhive: A provider of adaptive K-12 learning solutions, raised $400K in funding from unnamed angel investors from the U.S. and India who span education, Wall Street and retail expertise, in May’2013.
  22. YaKlass: A Russian education service, raised $2 million (1,56 million euro) in funding from Vesna Investment, Data Pro Group, and Professionali.ru founder Nikita Halyavin, in May’2013.
  23. Eduson.tv: An online business learning service, just launched with around $1m in funding from Groupon Russia founders and Elena Masolova, in April’2013.
  24. Seelio: A student portfolio network designed for college students and educators, raised $900K in seed funding in April’2013 and $600K in Venture round funding, in October’2013.
  25. Floqq: A marketplace for online video courses in Spanish and Portuguese, raised $50K in Angel funding in April’2013.
  26. Study2gether: An innovative knowledge management platform for schools, raised €250K ($326K) from accelerator Mola and Extremadura Avante, in April’2013.
  27. Lean Startup Machine: The world’s leading bootcamp on Lean Startup methodology, raised an amount in seed funding in April’2013.
  28. iSTAR: A vocational skills training company that provides unemployed graduates with additional skills training to make them readily employable in the BFSI and ITeS sectors, raised an amount in seed funding in April’2013.
  29. Scoot & Doodle: Creates web and mobile products that facilitate human interaction and connected learning, raised $2.25 million in seed round from unnamed Silicon Valley angels and educational publishing giant Pearson, in March’2013.
  30. Nearpod: An all-in-one solution for the synchronized use of iPads in the classroom, gets $1.5M From NewSchools, Salesforce Exec, in March’2013.
  31. CultureAlley: Enables interactive and adaptive language learning using self-paced audio-visual lessons & personalized adaptive widgets on a cloud-based platform, raised an amount in seed funding from Kae Capital, in March’2013.
  32. Slate Science: An educational technology company offering STEM education products for tablets, raised $1.1m in angel funding from Leon Kamevev, Benny Schnaider, Roni Einav and Dr. Ron Rymon, in March’2013.
  33. Allegory Law: An intuitive knowledge management tool designed to bridge the gap between litigation and technology, raised $550K in seed funding, in March’2013.
  34. An Estuary: Provides social technology platforms and technology-integrated professional development solutions made for educators by educators, has raised $100K in funding from the Maryland Technology Development Corporation in 2013.
  35. BeSmart.net: Develops a universal trading platform for Internet users to buy and sell educational and informative materials, has received $4MM from Education Matrix, a Hong Kong based fund in 2013.
  36. 2U: Partners with universities to build, administer, and market online degree programs, has received $5.1M in Series D funding from Highland Capital Partners, Redpoint Ventures and Bessemer Venture Partners, in October’ 2013.
  37. K2 Learning: A hybrid (online + offline) education startup that focuses on Commerce education and provides classes for courses like CA, CS, CWA, PUC and B.Com, etc., has raised Rs. 8 crore in Angel funding in 2013 from Radheshyam Agarwal, founder and director of Calcutta Tube India, in his personal capacity.
  38. authorGEN Technologies: Provides e-learning software, services and authoring tools for efficient communication and is a subsidiary of the education major Educomp Solutions Ltd., raised Rs. 22 crore from education-focused private equity firm Kaizen in partnership with German media major Bertelsmann, in January’2013.
  39. Socratic Labs: An educational technology-focused startup accelerator, coworking community, and campus in New York City, raised an amount in seed funding in January’2013.
  40. eDreams Edusoft: Provides student-centric disruptive technology innovations, raised $2 million in its second round of funding, by Inventus Capital Partners in May’2013.
  41. EduKart.com: The online education platform owned by Earth Education Valley Pvt. Ltd., raised $500K in seed funding from a group of early-stage institutional and angel investors including French early-stage fund Kima Ventures, Amit and Arihant Patni (from Patni family), computer services firm AKM Systems, Vibhor Mehra (ex-partner at SAIF Partners) and Stanford University alumni, among others, in May’2013.
  42. Simplilearn.com: An online education and training destination for professional certification courses secured $10 million in a Series B round of funding from Helion Venture Partners and existing investor Kalaari Capital, in Setember’2013.
  43. Zane Prep: Built to engage K-8 students around the world in STEM education, raised an amount in angel funding, in February’2013.
  44. Sokikom: Helps K-12 teachers motivate students to learn using games, raised $2 million half of which comes in the form of a grant from the Institute of Education Sciences and the other half comes from former Intel Chairman and CEO Dr. Craig Barrett and Zynga co-founder Steve Schoettler, in February’2013.
  45. SingSpeil: An online music learning platform, raised $30.1k (C$30k) in seed funding in February’2013.
  46. Learnmetrics: Manages educational data to provide educators with powerful metrics and analytics, raised $100K in seed funding, in February’2013.
  47. Graduway: Aims to power all of the world’s alumni networking platforms, has launched today with $1.1 million in seed funding from BTG Pactual, former 888 Holdings CEO Gigi Levy and RSL Venture Partners, in February’2013.
  48. Thinkful: An online school that teaches technical skills, raised $1 million in seed funding from Peter Thiel’s FF Angel, RRE Ventures and Quotidian Ventures and more angel funders, in February’2013.
  49. Tutorspree: Aims to make high-quality, local tutors in any subject accessible to any student, received $800k in Venture round funding, in February’2013.
  50. Veduca: An online video platform that has the purpose of democratize access to top-quality education via video lectures from world-class universities, raised $500k in seed funding in October’2013.

Get Ready For America’s Next ‘Education Crisis’


“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste,” has become a popular mantra of the ruling class. Of course, these are not the people who usually experience the brunt of a crisis.

But a pervasive narrative in the mainstream media is that Americans are a people beset by near-continuous crisis, whether it’s the fake crisis of a looming “fiscal cliff” or a real crisis like Frankenstorm Sandy that still has many Northeasterners inexplicably living in the dark in unheated homes.

Arguably no sector of American society has been cast with the narrative of crisis as much as public education. And the fever pitch is about to go higher.


Something’s Rotten In The State Of Kentucky

Just prior to the November election, an article in the education trade journal Education Week broke that Kentucky had gotten bad news back from its most recent round of school tests. The results were that the percent of students scoring “proficient” or better in reading and math had dropped by roughly a third or more in both elementary and middle schools.

Disappointing results from a state test is not usually an occasion to stop the presses. But, in this case it was, because these were Very Special Tests.

The tests Kentucky children took were brand-new and aligned to new standards promoted by the federal government called Common Core Standards. Kentucky is the very first state to implement the new standards-based assessments, which will be rolled-out in over 40 other states over the next two school years.

Kentucky school officials, who were already bracing for the bad results, tried putting a happy face on it, calling results “better than we thought they’d be.”

But local media outlets were quick to claim that lower scores were proof positive that Kentucky public schools are “in need of improvement.”

Now imagine the scenario when what happened in Kentucky begins rolling out across the country — as state after state implements the bright, shiny new tests and watches in horror as scores drop off “The Proficiency Cliff.” How tempting it will be for major media outlets across the country to cast this as a “crisis” in education?

In fact, some people are betting good money on that happening.


Business Loves A Crisis

This past summer, about 100 private equity investors gathered at the posh University Club in New York City to hear about big money-making opportunities on the horizon.

As reported in Huffington Post, Rob Lytle of The Parthenon Group, a “strategic advisor of choice for CEOs and business leaders worldwide” according to its website, was there to reveal the ripening profit potentials in the public education arena — a $500+ billion market –due to the roll-out of new assessments aligned to the Common Core.

According to the reporter, Lytle told the audience, if the tests are “as rigorous as advertised, a huge number of schools will suddenly look really bad, their students testing way behind in reading and math. They’ll want help, quick. And private, for-profit vendors selling lesson plans, educational software and student assessments will be right there to provide it.”

Recall that states were strongly urged to adopt the new standards when they applied for the US Department of Education’s Race to the Top grant program and for waivers to the onerous No Child Left Behind mandates. Now 46 states are implementing the standards and at least one form or another of the tests that are aligned to the standards. The intent of the standards and tests is to ensure that students are on a pathway to becoming “career and college ready” (CCR) by the time they graduate high school.

So how is this a business opportunity?

Lytle regaled his investor friends with how the new tests would identify the “performance gaps” in student achievement where results fall far below what’s considered “proficient.” And once the Performance Gaps are unveiled to the world, the resulting pressure will force school officials into hiring outside product and service providers to bring up the scores.

As reported in Education Week, he accompanied his remarks with a Powerpoint (available at the link) with a graph showing which states are more apt to have the Performance Gaps. On his graph were a lot of states that he anticipated would be in “high need” of closing the Gap, including Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, Michigan, New York, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia.

Ed Week’s reporter explained, “Simplifying the picture as Mr. Lytle did gave investors hope that a sector they see as traditionally fickle and recently bearish might not be so bad.”

Interestingly, Kentucky was one of the few “low-need” states where the Performance Gap was not evident. So with a low-need state like Kentucky experiencing a 30 percent drop in test scores, does that mean states with high-need will experience even steeper drops?

Crisis material for sure.


Going From Crisis To Crisis

Education historian Diane Ravitch has long observed that a persistent narrative in the media is that American schools are “in crisis.”

A year ago, writing in The New York Review of Books, Ravitch traced the education crisis narrative back to a century ago, “when urban schools were overcrowded, swamped with students from Eastern and Southern Europe who didn’t speak English.” Again, in the 1950s, crisis broke out when the Soviets launched Sputnik into orbit, and critics blamed our public schools for not cranking out enough scientists.

The late Gerald Bracey noted this as well and coined the term “Sputnick Effect” to describe the perpetual state of crisis that has characterized the media narrative about the nation’s public schools. Bracey wrote:

The schools never recovered from Sputnik. Sputnik wounded their reputation and, as the scab formed, something else always came along to reopen the lesion: In the 1960s, schools were blamed for the urban riots (but were not credited for putting a man on the moon). In the 1970s, they were seen as “grim and joyless”. . . In the 1980s, A Nation at Risk blamed them for allowing the Germans, the South Koreans, and the Japanese to race ahead of us competitively (yet did not credit them for the longest sustained economic expansion in the nation’s history).

Indeed, what will keep politicians and the media from picking at the scab again?


Who Wants A Crisis?

Is an education crisis good for business? As the Ed Week reporter cited above pointed out, “There are market trends that support that theory. The commercial education market grew significantly in the past four years, but no segment grew faster than instruction and services. Companies like the virtual learning providers K12 Inc. and Connections Academy, or the publishers-turned-service-providers Pearson and Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, fit that bill.”

In fact, the Obama administration originally framed the Common Core standards, and all the trappings that would come along with them, as a great business opportunity.

Writing at the blog site of the Harvard Business Review, Joanne Weiss, the Chief of Staff to Secretary of Education Arne Duncan and leader of the Obama administration’s Race to the Top program, said

The development of common standards and shared assessments radically alters the market for innovation in curriculum development, professional development, and formative assessments. Previously, these markets operated on a state-by-state basis, and often on a district-by-district basis. But the adoption of common standards and shared assessments means that education entrepreneurs will enjoy national markets where the best products can be taken to scale.

That “national market” has in fact come to pass. And educator Michael Moore has connected the dots. Writing at the Savannah Morning News, he explained (hat-tip Maureen Dowd)

The testing business is a $2.3 billion business. But testing is not where the real money is made. If you want to pass the test, you’re going to need preparation materials.

If your child brings home a text from Glencoe, Macmillan, SRA, Open Court or The Grow Network, among others, then your child is using a McGraw-Hill text. The test preparation materials business surely dwarfs the testing business.

This is still small beer compared with what’s to come. This week, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Pearson Foundation (a non-profit organization owned by, well, the for-profit version of the Pearson company) announced that the two were working together to create complete online curricula for the new common core standards in math and English language arts for elementary through high school.

This off-the-shelf curricula includes the materials, the teacher preparation, teacher development and, of course, the assessments.

Interestingly, Phil Daro and Sally Hampton from America’s Choice, who helped draft the common core standards, are heading up this development.

Confused? Did I forget to mention that Pearson bought America’s Choice last summer?

There are, of course, other theories about the “what’s behind the Common Core” phenomenon. Rick Hess of the American Enterprise Institute had a particularly interesting one last week when he spilled the beans on what’s going on among The Very Serious People in Washington, DC. “When I ask how exactly the Common Core is going to change teaching and learning,” he divulged, “I’m mostly told that it’s going to finally shine a harsh light on the quality of suburban schools, shocking those families and voters into action.”

Apparently, this Shock Doctrine for the suburbs will play out so:

First, politicians will actually embrace the Common Core assessments and then will use them to set cut scores that suggest huge numbers of suburban schools are failing. Then, parents and community members who previously liked their schools are going to believe the assessment results rather than their own lying eyes . . . Finally, newly convinced that their schools stink, parents and voters will embrace “reform.”

Whether the coming Education Crisis is a business conspiracy or a Beltway scheme, none of this is to argue that the Common Core and its accompanying tests and instructional materials aren’t without merit. That’s a whole other subject.

But since when did a crisis-driven directive, steered by business interests and bureaucrats who aren’t being exactly transparent about their intentions, ever end up achieving widespread public good?


Good Intentions Gone Awry?

No doubt there are some good intentions driving the new standards and tests.

But some of those intentions seem extraordinarily naïve. In an article from this week’s US News, chief architect of the Common Core David Coleman maintained that the new tests are so much better than the ones we’ve been using that, even if they demoralize teachers and frustrate parents, they will “redeem assessment” in their “hearts and minds.”

So, let’s see how that plays out:

Dear High School Parent,

For years, we’ve been telling you your child is bright and successful in school. But those tests sucked. Now, we’ve got new and better tests, and they have determined that your child is a failure. Enjoy the rest of your day!

Good intentions are not always what matter. In fact, they often blind.

When the last Great Big Education Innovation called No Child Left Behind descending on America’s beleaguered schools, the intention was to address a Crisis as well. That Crisis also had its very own Gap — not the Performance Gap, but the Achievement Gap.

NCLB was supposed to close the Achievement Gap, but it’s now widely understood that the whole enterprise was an utter failure. The best that NCLB proponents can offer is that it “woke the country” to the stark differences between the academic attainment of African American and Hispanic school children and their white and Asian peers.

But years of results from the National Assessment of Education Progress had already revealed those differences, and anyone who needed “awakening” then has doubtless fallen back into slumbers as the country has drifted further and further into a vast sea of segregated schools and education inequality.

So now one crisis-prompted experiment on the nation’s school children is leading to another.

One wonders, when will Americans — after being shocked into concern about an Achievement Gap and cattle-prodded to address a Performance Gap — tire of crisis language and notice that the real problem is that political leaders and “experts” in charge of education policy have a Credibility Gap?

This ‘Smart Trench Coat’ Comes With a 4G Hotspot Built Into It, and a Phone Charger

” This makes me think of my grandkids, again. I look at them a lot these days and wonder what they, now 4 and 5, will be taking to school in a decade—or, more aptly, what they will be wearing to school. My guess is that the coat featured in this Digital Trends article by Jeffrey Van Camp is just the beginning. In ten years we will have very intelligent clothing that does much more than provide connectivity and battery charging. A sleeve will become a screen or a keyboard; or a lapel will become a microphone. No doubt clothing will track movement, like the Kinect does now. And no doubt it will take us into areas that we find ethically gray, like looking at student work as they are doing it and offering advice about what to do next. Of course we will be able to know where are kids are at any time. Sounds great to some, but it sounds like a lot of Big Brother to others. In any event, this trench coat is just the beginning. The future goes on for a very long time.”

via Digital Trends


There’s nothing like a little LTE to warm you up on a cold day. Your phone may already come with a data connection, but now your coat can, too. This is the ‘M’ by Motiif. Labeled as the “first smart trench coat” from the “first fashionable tech company,” it has a built-in phone charger and can act as a Wi-Fi hotspot for any devices you have, all while presumably looking fabulous.The coat is made of “100 percent waterproof nano-infused fabric” to protect its and your electronics and may be just the first of a complete smart wardrobe from Motiif. It comes with three months of 1GB of free 4G, provided by a company called Karma, which runs off of Sprint’s network. It claims this is available in 80 cities in the country, but we don’t know if it works on all of Sprint’s different network technologies. After three months, your coat will require a $14 monthly subscription to keep giving you 1GB of data, which is (sort of) more expensive than Sprint’s typical tablet plans, which start at $15 for 2GB of data. But if you’re going to buy a super smart trench coat, you had best shell out for its wireless connection.Battery life is said to be 6-8 hours, but we also don’t know if one battery powers a charger and the hotspot, or if they are separate. There is a big pocket for the charger and it works with any Micro USB charging device, and the iPhone 4 – 5S. Motiif.us says your phone can charge “wirelessly” but it appears that you do need to connect your phone physically to a charger inside the breast pocket.

We hope that Motiif will create a smart coat rack next, so we can easily charge our smart trench coats.“This isn’t just a coat with charging and Wi-Fi, it’s about the future of clothing … and how clothing will communicate with each other and the end user,” Motiif founder Rafael Balbi told Laptop Mag. “We are building it, because it’s an entry point for a system of wearable technology we are developing that lets the user learn more about themselves and what’s going on in the environment around them.”Right now, Motiif is searching for 300 or so “Alpha Testers” to bug test the new coat for two weeks at a time and give feedback. If the coat doesn’t continuously reboot, lose its connection, or face delays, Balbi says it will arrive in Feb. 2014 for about the price of a standard trench coat, which we guess will be somewhere between $150 – $350. You can sign up for the Alpha program here.While it would be nice if a smart coat would be smart enough to heat itself, that’s probably not in the cards. Next up will be a “high tech furniture company” creating a smart coat rack so we can easily charge our smart trench coats. Then maybe some smart pants to help keep the smart coat charged on the go and smart drawers to power them at night. At this pace, in a few years we’ll be happily brushing our teeth with lithium ion batteries.