Teacher Professional Development???? My take on Teacher Improvement and Professional Development. What do you think?

Warning: this post may incite, annoy or even anger some people but I am hopeful that it will also encourage and motivate change. I am coming at this post from the point of view of an educator for many years, a staff developer and a lifelong learner. I believe there are so many issues today with the fact that people believe “Teacher Professional Development” to be as simple as going online or attending a conference or a single day workshop for a few hours. The single day workshop commonly referred to as “drive-by PD” and many of the other models are not successful. The main reasons are because they are not ongoing, sustainable and high quality. Quality teacher professional development is a real issue and will always be an issue.

Let’s start with the problems. One is that “Professional Development” by definition assumes you have an innate skill or proficiency. My belief is that the term should be broken down into three specific terms. The initial term or concept should be “Professional Exposure”, giving others exposure to an educational expert. For new, impressionable teachers, this is important because they are most likely to get pumped and run with the new ideas. We must ensure however that the correct and appropriate effective pedagogical approach is being implemented. Also, when the concept is being implemented, it must be assessed correctly at the appropriate Depth of Knowledge level or taxonomic level. I personally have seen many teachers implement a program without fully knowing how to implement or assess it.

The second term “Professional Improvement” takes the concept that you already have some inkling of the concept and are going to improve it. This is crucial to the success of all teachers or individuals being that one must be a lifelong learner and have the inner drive to improve.  If one does not have the impetus for learning, then self-improvement will not happen.

The final term “Professional Development” (PD) and the ideal for this is something that is built upon concepts of effective PD. This occurs through coaching, reflection, or reviewing results. It may occur individually, in pairs, or in collaborative learning teams when educators plan, implement, analyze, reflect, and evaluate the integration of their professional learning into their practice. It occurs within learning communities that meet to learn or refine instructional strategies; plan lessons that integrate the new strategies; share experiences about implementing those lessons; analyze student work together to reflect on the results of use of the strategies; and assess their progress toward their defined goals.

Before schools can adopt these new 21st-century standards for teacher professional development, Hirsch (of Learning Forward formerly known as the National Staff Development Council) said there are some prerequisites: (1) Educators must commit to ensuring that all students succeed, (2) Educators must be ready to learn continually, (3) School district leaders must understand that professional learning involves collaborative inquiry and learning, and (4) School district leaders must understand that educators learn in different ways and at different rates.

Learning Forward’s seven standards for professional learning that increase teacher effectiveness and results for all students are:

  1. Learning Communities: Groups of teachers who are committed to continuous improvement, shared responsibility, and collective goal alignment.
  2. Leadership: Skillful leaders who develop capacity, advocate, and create support systems for professional learning.
  3. Resources: Prioritizing, monitoring, and coordinating resources for professional learning.
  4. Data: Using a variety of sources and types of student, educator, and school system data to plan, assess, and evaluate professional learning.
  5. Learning Designs: Integrating theories, research, and models of human learning to achieve intended outcomes.
  6. Implementation: Applying research and sustained support for implementation of professional learning to foster long-term change.
  7. Outcomes: Aligning outcomes with educator performance and student curriculum standards.


The issue with professional development many times is that the person responsible for organizing professional development, do so in ways that alienate rather than engage and assist educators. Those organizing the professional development may not be clear about specific improvements in educator and student performance that should result, or may not carefully determine what steps will lead to the desired performance levels. In addition, educators often complain that they are required to participate in poorly conceived and ineffective professional development leads to complaints professional development that does not address the real challenges they face in their schools and classrooms. They resent “one-size-fits-all” professional development that targets large numbers of educators from very different schools and classrooms who have students with different needs. Also, the professional development may not consider educators’ varying levels of motivation, interest, knowledge, and skill. This is the rationale for the differentiated approach to PD just as we differentiate with our students.

All schools should be places where both adults and students learn. Unfortunately this doesn’t happen. Most of the time, teachers and administrators develop their own knowledge and skills, which they model for students. This can be dangerous if it is not done properly and could have detrimental effects on student learning and their success. The concept of continual or ongoing development creates a culture of learning throughout the school and supports educators’ efforts to engage students, expected of a lifelong learner. An organization that organizes team-based professional development or professional learning networks and expects all teachers and administrators to consistently participate — though for different purposes, a different times, in different ways — shows that the organization values and is serious about all educators performing at higher levels. As a result, the entire school is more focused and effective.

With my experiences in education, it is my belief that research has shown that teaching quality and school leadership are the most important factors in raising student achievement. For teachers, school and district leaders to be most effective, they need to continually expand their knowledge and skills to implement the best educational practices. Educators learn to help students learn at the highest levels. They need to be able to move from exposure to improvement to finally and most importantly, professional development and SUCCESS!!

STEM Update 3

Study Shows AP Program Igniting Learning for Thousands of Youth
A rigorous study just released by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) finds that students who were part of the Advanced Placement Training and Incentive Program (APTIP) “took and passed more AP courses and exams, and enrolled in college in greater numbers. Most of this increase occurred at four-year colleges and private universities. Affected students were also more likely to persist in college, to earn more college credits, and slightly more likely to earn a bachelor’s degree. In addition, affected students were more likely to be employed and earned higher wages.”

Green Schools and Students’ Science Scores are Related
A nationwide survey shows a positive correlation between Green School practices and student achievement in science. The study was conducted by the University of Colorado Denver’s Department of Geography and Environmental Sciences and presented last week at the Green Schools National Network conference in Denver. Schools that took part in the survey observe GreenPrint core practices as defined by the Green Schools National Network (GSNN).

Low Retention of STEM Faculty Raises Concerns 
AWIS in Action! – February 2012
A recent study published in ScienceDaily indicates that men and women faculty members are now being retained in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) at roughly the same rate, with the exception of mathematics departments. Funded by the NSF-ADVANCE Program, this is the first large-scale longitudinal study on faculty retention, and researchers found that the median number of years male and female faculty stay at an institution is 11. This means that half of the faculty hired this year will be gone in 11 years, which is a real problem for research universities which have competitive startup packages and expensive recruitment strategies.


Two Great Opportunities for Students…

Doors to Diplomacy: Projects Due March 15
The U. S. Department of State and GlobalSchoolNet.org sponsor the “Doors to Diplomacy” educational challenge – to encourage middle school and high school students around the world to produce web projects that teach others about the importance of international affairs and diplomacy. Each student team member of the winning “Doors to Diplomacy” Award team receives a $2,000 scholarship, and the winning coaches’ schools each receive a $500 cash award. Additional prizes may be provided by sponsors.


International CyberFair:

International Schools CyberFair, now in its 15th year, is an award-winning authentic learning program used by schools and youth organizations around the world. Youth conduct research and publish their findings on the Web. Recognition is given to the best projects in each of eight categories. This White House-endorsed program encourages youth to become community ambassadors by working collaboratively and using technology to share what they have learned. Students evaluate each others projects by using a unique online evaluation tool. In partnership with the World Future Society, students are also encouraged to also share their dreams for the future – by thinking about the possible future, the probable future, the preferable future and the preventable future. Projects that best illustrate “future thinking” are invited to the World Future Society international conference in Toronto, Canada, July 2012, WorldFuture 2012: Dream. Design. Develop. Deliver.


5 Online Learning Portals Which Let Anyone Become A Web Developer

With many in the tech world touting online learning as one of the main trends this year, there’s never been a better time to upskill and improve your C.V. by getting a little bit more technical. Though specialization is vital in the digital marketing profession because of the diversity and breadth of topics covered (only a select few can excel in all areas), the need to at least understand the layer of code that sits behind a Facebook app, or the design assets that go into a sticky landing page, has never been more important.

Many traditional marketers carry skills like copy writing, branding and strategic media buying – all of which can be easily projected onto the web – but technical skills are just as important.

While a step into the unknown world of code or HTML may be daunting, it’s a great time to start, as multiple intuitive, interactive, user friendly and low-cost learning sites begin to crop up. In general, students won’t be designing e-commerce sites, or developing web apps within a week, but what you will get is a good grounding in a powerful skill, and another important string to your bow.

Don’t Fear The Internet

A brilliant starting point for those with little or no HTML experience, Don’t Fear The Internet is a beautifully designed, free tutorial site specialising in basic training for non-web designers. A new video is posted regularly, using irreverent examples to help beginners understand how to manipulate HTML, CSS and some PHP to build a basic site, and you’ll begin with a very basic, but informative, overview of how the web actually works


A free site combining gamification principles like badges and rewards with the tedious – but worthwhile – process of learning to code, Codeacademy has become renowned for making the skill of simple programming possible for anyone, rewarding users for each course completed. The education startup offers an interface that prompts users to solve coding problems, and is incredibly interactive, allowing you to learn in-browser, a common omission of standard video learning sites.

Codeacademy launched “Code Year” in January, which invited users to receive one programming lesson per week in 2012, and has seen user numbers grow to over one million in the past week. High profile users of the service include the Mayor of New York Michael Bloomberg and The White House both users of the service, and now there’s also a new course creator tool in beta.


A startup founded by Ryan Carson (the brains behind the Future of Web Apps conference, and Think Vitamin, an influential web design blog), Treehouse stems from Carson’s own experience of education, and his feeling that millions of people can’t afford a quality technical education, or if they can, it’s out of date immediately when they graduate.

With three separate strands, encompassing web design, web development and iOS development, Treehouse is again based on gaming principles, video and interactive testing, with badges available for each area. The site offers Gold and Silver plans ($49 and $25 monthly) and promises agility in teaching which you won’t find in a university classroom.

Carson has said he hopes to disrupt traditional education with Treehouse, and plans are afoot to combine the service with the HR functions of large multinationals to offer pay scales and career opportunities based on successful completion of goals on the site.

 Tuts Plus Premium

A sister site to the huge Tuts+ network of educational blogs and tutorials, Tuts+ Premium is an online marketplace of educational resources, from ebooks on Photoshop to courses on JQuery. Mainly focused on design, a yearly membership costs $15 per month, which gives you access to all the material behind the Tuts paywall (ebooks, video courses, tutorials and source files). The free 30 day introduction to HTML and CSS is highly recommended for beginners, or for those looking for a taster of what to expect if they purchase membership.


A little like Tuts+, Lynda.com is a huge resource of software training videos, and is perhaps most useful for intermediate users with a basis in their craft, who are looking to improve on more certain specific areas. Lynda focuses on keeping skills current as technology advances, and offers thousands of videos on numerous topics, via different instructors.

One critique is that there are quite a lot of similar videos, and finding an instructor to suit you can be time consuming, but the monthly sub. fee of $25 is definitely worth it if you’re looking to maintain your skills and learn new ones via the massive database.

One of the main trends for the web this year will be the increasing freedom of educational information, and with many feeling that traditional educational systems are outdated when it comes to teaching students the basics, it seems that resources like the above are destined to grow.