13 Extreme Comments Made About the Common Core from Huffington Post

This post was originally posted by The Huffington Post  |  By  on 9/11

Commentary: What do you think? I am an advocate for change but I am also an advocate for common sense and the Common Core does not pass the Common Sense meter for me. I have spoken about this and written about it as well since 2011 when it was adopted by so many states across the country. The assessments don’t make sense either so can someone out there show me the data that states this will change things for the better, so far the data is horrific!!!


Original Article:

Parents and students of America, beware. A new set of education standards is already at or coming soon to schools around the country, and it seems to have critics terrified.

These Common Core Standards have been adopted in 45 states plus the District of Columbia, and are already being taught in districts around the country. In addition to emphasizing analytical thinking and deep learning, they are designed to make sure all students across the country are held to the same criteria. U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan says the measure is the “single greatest thing to happen to public education in America since Brown versus Board of Education.”

However, the standards seem to have elicited fear and intense rhetoric among critics, who object to the standards for several reasons, including the belief that they take power away from individual states. Some opponents even claim the standards will create an education atmosphere similar to that of Hitler’s Germany or Castro’s Cuba.

Below we have compiled a list of 13 of the most extreme statements made about the Common Core Standards. Have you heard any outrageous claims made about the standards? Let us know in the comments section.


  • 1
    What the heck am I talking about? The end of the world? Some kind of natural disaster? Zombies? No, something even scarier: the Common Core.– David Kierski
  • 2
    Most of us who lived through this Hitler era remember how British Prime Minister Chamberlain gushed how great Hitler’s Youth Corps was, much like those who support Common Core today.– Donald Conkey, Cherokee Tribune
  • 3
    This is the progressive movement coming in for the kill. And believe me, if we don’t stop it, this will be the kill.– Glenn Beck
  • 4
    Allowing the federal government at the throats of our young people is to disallow children the opportunity to know the unique American experience of liberty in a freewill republic.– Jim Mullen
  • 5
    Remember the quote by Hitler, ‘Give me your children and in 10 years I’ll change society?’ The Obama administration intends to do just that.– Elois Zeanah
  • 6
    Obama Core is a comprehensive plan to dumb down schoolchildren so they will be obedient servants of the government and probably to indoctrinate them to accept the leftwing view of America and its history.– Phyllis Schafly
  • 7
    Your child or grandchild will not be able to escape Common Core materials that are anti-Christian, anti-capitalism, and anti-America. Or that are pro-homosexuality, illegal immigration, unions, environmentalism, gun control, feminism and social justice.– Elois Zeanah
  • 8
    If this isn’t Nazism, Communism, Marxism and all the ‘ism’s’ I don’t know what is.– Christina Michas
  • 9
    The missiles are coming not just from the left but also the right. As we fight this insidious menace to our children and to our families ‑‑ and that’s exactly what it is ‑‑ we are going to have a difficult time discerning who our allies are.”– Glenn Beck
  • 10
    Today’s teachers and psychologists are NOT being trained to educate students academically or to counsel and help people cope with their problems, but to influence their political views. Does it sound like we’re becoming Castro’s Cuba? I can tell you from personal experience that we’re already there.– New Hampshire Tea Party
  • 11
    Our kids are going to be indoctrinated with extreme leftist ideology. That should terrify most people.– Glenn Beck
  • 12
    It sends shivers down the spines of freedom loving individuals.– Common Constitutionalist, Political Outcast
  • 13
    Now they’re teaching something called Common Core. Folks, this president is emulating dictators. Do you not understand that he is not playing games? If you look at Mao Tse-tung, this boy is emulating Mao Tse-tung to a T.– Bradlee Dean 


Sep 2013



27 Tips For Mentoring New Teachers

via Edudemic

How does a teacher go from just a teacher to a great teacher? Some say that some people are just naturally great teachers. Others might believe that it is the education that they receive. And others yet, point to the mentors that these new teachers have when they start out teaching. The handy infographic below shows tips for new teachers, mentors, and administrators to help all parties involved get the most out of seasoned teachers mentoring new ones. So if you’re looking for some quick tips and tricks to mentoring new teachers, this is for you.

Our Favorite Tips

For Mentors: Find the strengths of the new teacher. Work together to find ways to implement and enhance these strengths.

For New Teachers: Ask. If something confuses you, ask.

For Administrators: Select mentors with care. Choose the risk taker, the early adopter, the seasoned, or those with other special mentoring skills.

‘Active’ Student Engagement Goes Beyond Class Behavior, Study Finds

via Education Week

Some warning signs are easy to spot: It’s well-established that the kid goofing off in the back of the classroom, who plays hooky and turns in homework late, is disengaged, and at a higher risk of falling behind and eventually dropping out of school. But where are the red flags for the student who sits quietly, answers when spoken to, and politely zones out?

A new study, published online in the journal Learning and Instruction, probes how more subtle facets of student engagement can be harder to flag, but just as critical for their long-term academic success.

“When we talk about student engagement, we tend to talk only about student behavior,” said lead author Ming-Te Wang, a Pittsburgh education psychology assistant professor, in a statement. But, Wang added, “that doesn’t tell us the whole story. Emotion and cognition are also very important.”

Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh and the University of Michigan tracked more than 1,000 mostly minority students from 23 public middle schools in a Maryland suburb of Washington. At the beginning of 7th grade and the end of 8th grade, the researchers interviewed the students about their school climate, such as the emotional support they felt from administrators, teachers, and other students, their ability to choose projects and teammates for class assignments, and whether they considered the material they learned relevant to their lives. Separately, the researchers assessed the students on three areas of school engagement:

  • Behavioral engagement, including how often the student completed homework on time, followed school rules, and responded in class discussions;
  • Emotional engagement, including whether the student felt interested in his or her class subjects and accepted in the school culture; and
  • Cognitive engagement, including how well the student managed and monitored his or her own learning.

What works to improve students’ behavior only sometimes engages them emotionally and cognitively, the researchers found. Students who reported that their teachers set clear expectations and responded to them consistently were more likely to participate in class and feel connected with school. But a teacher’s emotional support didn’t directly affect students’ cognitive engagement with their coursework; rather, students were more likely to voice interest and take greater ownership of their learning when they considered what they were studying to be personally interesting and relevant.

Similarly, giving students more choices and control over their schoolwork did not improve their motivation or make them feel more academically competent unless the choices were aligned with the students’ personal interests. “Opportunities for decisionmaking or freedom of action are less important than the extent to which the decisionmaking and action opportunities available reflect personal goals, interests, or values,” the authors write. For example, the authors recommend that teachers might “explicitly illustrate and explain the relevance of tasks to the personal goals and interests of students when providing them with choices.”

Moreover, the researchers found different approaches effective for different types of students: “Usually people say, ‘Yes, autonomy is beneficial. We want to provide students with choices in school,’ This is the case for high achievers, but not low achievers,” Wang said. “Low achievers want more structure, more guidelines.”

The full article is scheduled to appear in the December 2013 print issue of Learning and Instruction.

Five-Minute Film Festival: Nine Boosts for Late-Summer Learning

via Edutopia

Wow, it’s been a busy summer. August completely snuck up on me — and for many parents and educators, it’s nearly back-to-school time. After all the June chatter about summer slide and learning loss, even the most well-intentioned parents have probably let their kids zone out in front of the television. But in a matter of weeks, we need to have those little learners ready to re-engage in their education and start a whole new year.

So, I have pulled together some resources to get kids excited about learning again. Skip the worksheets — consider these ideas a way to prime the little ones for heading back into the classroom, without losing the joy and freedom of the last few weeks of their break. Maybe they’ll find these activities so fun, they’ll stay engaged in learning outside the classroom well into the fall!

Video Playlist: Late Summer Learning Boosters

Keep watching the player below to see the rest of the playlist, or view it on YouTube.

Welcome to Wonderopolis! (01:44)

The National Center for Family Literacy puts together this website and offers daily emails with thought-provoking questions to send your kids on a journey of discovery all year ’round. Sign up at the Wonderopolis website.

Start A DIY Club! (01:13)

DIY.org is one of the coolest free online communities for kids I’ve ever encountered. It offers projects that encourage kids to learn all kinds of new skills and share their work, individually or by forming clubs. Learn more from their guides for parents and educators.

Exploratorium: Changing the Way the World Learns (02:10)

Late summer is a perfect time to visit a local children’s museum. In the San Francisco Bay Area, we’re so lucky to have the Exploratorium, but check out the Association of Children’s Museums to find one near you.

How Kids Can Learn From Apps, Websites & Games (02:15)

So you’re unable to peel your child off that device? Common Sense Media offers quick tips on choosing the best games and apps for learning. Use their database of reviews or mobile app to find information by title.

The Bubbleologist – The Code (01:52)

One way to get a constant stream of learning prompts is to follow a great curator. Check out The Kid Should See This website orTwitter feed – Rion Nakaya’s collection of not-made-for-kids videos for kids.

Book Domino Chain World Record (03:01)

I couldn’t resist including this epic domino book chain that the Seattle Public Library did to promote reading and going to the public library. Keep those kids with their noses in books all year!

Homemade Geyser Tube – Sick Science #149 (01:06)

Got a bored kid? Turn them on to Steve Spangler’s YouTube channel or his website for messy and mystifying science experiments you can do at home with basic materials. Bonus: Ted-Ed flip on Mentos + Coke geysers!

Audri’s Rube Goldberg Monster Trap (04:07)

Want to have your kids learn hands-on physics while keeping them busy for hours? Build a Rube Goldberg machine! Edu-curator Larry Ferlazzo has a great resource page – this video is a favorite.

Student Writing Center 826 Valencia (02:06)

If there’s an 826 Writing Center near you, get there quick. They offer writing workshops for kids in 8 cities around the US. Each one is connected to a unique storefront — like the Bigfoot Research Institute in Chicago or the Brooklyn Superhero Supply Co.

More Ways to Boost End-of-Summer Engagement

I hope you’ve been inspired to get up and do some fun activities in these last weeks of vacation. Here are more resources for keeping kids engaged outside of school — all year!

Links for Summer Learning and Summer Slide

Links from the Video Playlist Above

Amy Erin Borovoy’s Blog


Can Computers Replace Writers?


via Stuff.co.nz

Over the years, many a mother, you can be sure, has quietly despaired upon being told by her teenager that a life as a writer was the chosen ambition.

No doubt many of these mothers dutifully (if doubtfully) encouraged their offspring and consoled themselves by concluding, “Well, dear, at least writers will never be replaced by computers.”

Alas, it turns out, mother was wrong. These days there are several programs that, for one purpose or another, function solely to produce text without the involvement of writers.

These programs range from charming to practical to fiendish, but all serve to illustrate brutally that in web-dependent areas of art and commerce, human beings are no longer necessary.

On the charming side of the equation sits JanusNode, a free “user-configurable dynamic textual projective surface” designed by Chris Westbury, a cognitive neuropsychologist in the Department of Psychology at the University of Alberta, Canada.

JanusNode is, in effect, a poetry generator – whack in a pile of prose, or a web address, press go, and the program will fashion the contents into a quirky, modernist auto-poem.

Delightfully, it comes packaged with a button that permits the user to fashion the result in the style of defiantly lower-case late American poet e.e. cummings.

Poetry generators, per se, are common, but what sets JanusNode apart is that it is programmable by the user. Westbury’s highly entertaining instructions explain how to construct code commands – called TextDNA – that govern how, and how often, words, classes of words and verse structures are employed.

Basically, JanusNode lets you make any style of poetry you desire – without having to write a single stanza.

“The interesting thing about JanusNode, and other simple means of generating random text, is how often they actually manage to strike a nerve; how often we actually find ourselves reading the words and thinking ‘That’s true!’ or ‘That’s elegant!”‘ Westbury writes. As a demonstration, he has just published the first book created entirely by his software. It is called You can bring an elephant to a Broadway show, but you cannot make it drink Chablis.

JanusNode is all fun, but another text generator, Quill, is all business – so much so that it provides regular contributions to leading US business journalism website Forbes.

Developed by Chicago company Narrative Science, Quill is extraordinary, and renders business analysts pretty much redundant. The idea behind the program is simple: it receives numerical data – spreadsheets, market read-outs, the massive collections of figures that human analysts require days to sift through. Output – a second after the appropriate button is pushed – is a chosen suite of text documents: client summaries, broker summaries, blog posts, even Twitter announcements. All can be updated hourly, daily or weekly.

These programs range from charming to practical to fiendish, but all serve to illustrate brutally that … human beings are no longer necessary.

Quill – which grew from a university project geared to auto-generating baseball game reports – is used widely in the US in finance, banking and the stock market. Its output, as published in Forbes, is discernibly dry, as befits the genre, but without prior knowledge it seems indistinguishable from human-written text. Witness: “Over the past month, the consensus estimate has risen from 40 cents, but it’s below the estimate of 54 cents from three months ago. Analysts are projecting earnings of $2.87 per share for the fiscal year.”

In June this year, Narrative Science entered into a joint venture with In-Q-Tel, the investment arm of the US intelligence community, to develop a new version of the program. This leads to the rather disturbing conclusion that soon the intelligence reports upon which the US relies when making decisions about, you know, what country to invade or who to target in a drone strike, will be constructed without human influence.

Quill produces highly readable text, but the most common types of text auto-generating programs churn out stuff most people would recognise immediately as gobbledegook. That doesn’t matter, though. Known generically as “web scrapers”, they’re not out to fool humans, only search engines.

“A scraper is basically a bot that will run across the internet and, based on what it’s programmed to do, it will find websites and scrape content from them,” says Phil Dean, of online marketing consultancy Marmoset.

The bot will recombine snippets of keyword-linked text into thematic word salads and post it on its owner’s site.

The idea is to fool Google’s search algorithm into believing the result is a human-generated piece of content, thus pushing the site up the search-engine rankings and thereby increasing traffic and revenue.

For a professional online optimiser such as Dean, scraper-made websites are a constant annoyance. “In the past, the scraper approach has worked quite well,” he says.

“Google has recently cracked down on auto-generated sites, but the story is that people always try to get around the new restrictions, then Google reacts again, and so on.

“But it is getting harder to have success with a site that is completely generated from scratch with no human intervention.”

Google’s successful crackdown on auto-generated scraper sites has the potential to adversely affect “legitimate” self-writing sites that rely on business applications, such as Quill, or even fun programs, such as JanusNode. It’s a curious point at which to arrive: many different software sets arguing among themselves about what constitutes “real” writing.

All human writers can do is sit back and watch. Mother would be grimly disappointed.

 ■ narrativescience.com


And so it is written

The following “poem” was generated using this story’s first paragraph and the JanusNode app, in e.e. cummings style.

Over the years m
a mother,
you can be sure, has quietly despa
d upon
ing told by
that a life as a
was the chosen ambition.

– FFX Aus

Should Schools Implement Social Media Policies?

via Mashable

Facebook wasn’t a topic of conversation in high schools 10 years ago — it hadn’t even been invented yet.

One decade and a billion users later, and with the introduction of TwitterInstagram and other social networking platforms, it’s become an unavoidable cultural commodity. If you’re a teacher, your students most likely have profiles, and vice versa.

There are plenty of examples of Facebooking-gone-wrong in the education field so far. There’s the teacher in Pittsburgh, Pa., whose colleagues discovered her photo with a stripper online, and the Boston-area teen who was arrested for alleged “terrorist threats” in a rap video he posted to Facebook.

But the logistics of what is and isn’t acceptable between students and teachers online are still being figured out — and it largely varies by school.

Mashable reached out to a few schools across the U.S. to ask about how they’ve adjusted to the digital era. Our primary question: Should there be an overall policy for social media use?

Hans Mundahl is the director of technology and integration at the New Hampton School, a private boarding high school in New Hampton, N.H. The school is a “one-to-one iPad” institution, meaning every student and teacher is provided with a tablet.

“We have three levels of policies, loosely phrased, when it comes to social media,” Mundahl tells Mashable. “The first is a pretty straightforward policy that teachers are not to friend or follow any of their students on any social media channel. We, teachers and staff, are sort of the ‘parents-plus.’ It’s important to establish great relationships with students offline that are not necessarily ‘friend’ relationships online.”

“I strongly believe this can be used positively. By allowing our teachers to connect through social media with students, we both understand the risks that come with it.”

The second policy has to do with Facebook groups. Mundahl said it’s common for the school to create groups for their sports teams and update them with photos, game schedules and rosters.

“The only policy here is that the coaches work with me, and the rest of the social media team, to set up the right privacy controls,” he says. “It’s a great way for someone — say, an eighth-grader thinking about joining the lacrosse team in high school — to ‘meet’ the current team and get a glimpse at what it’s like to be a part of it. But, even though they’re loosely interacting, the actual players and coaches are not to be Facebook friends.”

The final policy is about respecting students’ personal social media presences. In other words: No online “sting” operations.

“We do [conduct] some passive monitoring for our school’s name using TweetDeck. Usually, the results are about the new Hampton Inn hotel or something else unrelated,” Mundahl says.

“But sometimes we’ll find a student, whose profile is public, who’s raising a bit of a red flag with their posts or tweets. We’ll normally update the student’s adviser, and sometimes send the student an email saying, ‘Hey, by the way, we came across this post where you weren’t representing yourself or the school well — just want to let you know.’ But no punishments are issued,” he says.

Other schools have looser regulations regarding student-teacher relationships online.

Robert Dill, who teaches government, psychology and sociology at the public Forest Hills High School in Sidman, Pa., says it’s not uncommon for students and teachers to be connected on social media.

“We don’t have a ‘policy’ in place, necessarily, but it’s definitely an evolving process,” he says. “Initially, when Facebook and everything started exploding, the school district frowned on teachers using it, fearing there would be a miscommunication or improper use with students.

“Over the years, though, it’s changed. Teachers are still cautioned to not discuss a student’s grades or performance over social media — but really, that’s the only rule of thumb. I know several teachers who are Facebook friends with their students.”

Dill’s not one of them — instead, he interacts with students on Twitter. If someone has a question about an assignment due date, or needs clarification on a subject matter, they’ll tweet at Dill. He’ll respond, usually through email.

“If it’s a quick ‘yes or no’ question, like, ‘Is this due tomorrow?’, I’ll just tweet back at them,” he says. “But for longer answers, I’ll switch over to email.”

Dill follows his students back on Twitter, and occasionally comes across some not-so-great-for-a-teacher-to-see tweets. But, similar to Mundahl, he said he’s not out to play detective on anyone.

“There have been some situations in which a student has tweeted something disparaging, usually about a coach or a teacher — but I don’t comment,” he says. “I strongly believe this can be used positively. By allowing our teachers to connect through social media with students, we both understand the risks that come with it. I strongly believe in the First Amendment, and that this is a good forum for communication, but you just need to be cautious with it — especially with pictures.”

A rule that should also apply to teachers, he adds.

The logistics of what is and isn’t acceptable between students and teachers online are still being figured out — and it largely varies by school.

New York-based business attorney Pedram Tabibi believes social media policies are integral for both businesses and schools to implement — so long as they’re tailored to each individual institution.

“It’s a lot more common in corporations — you know, places saying what’s OK to post, things to avoid,” he says. “But I think you’re starting to see it can be applied to schools as well. Each one is different, of course, so for it to work best they need to be adjusted for each individual school and its activities.”

But there are right and wrong ways of doing so. A handful of employers, he says, have asked their employees and job applicants for their social media passwords: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram — the whole nine yards. Ten states have outlawed the practice, and the SNOPA bill (Social Networking Online Protection Act), introduced in April, is being pushed at the federal level to make asking employees for their social media passwords illegal in every state.

“This is obviously an extreme example, and it’s certainly not the right way to do it,” Tabibi says. “Social media policies are not meant to be some sort of restrictive or privacy-violating blanket. But if you take your community’s culture and values into consideration, you can nail down some sort of structure that will prevent both the staff and students from getting into trouble down the road. You just need to address it from all sides of the coin.”

Does your school have a social media policy? If not, do you believe there should be one in place? Or is it unnecessary? Share your thoughts with us in the comments.

Jeff Piontek commentary about the article, there needs to be a social media policy for our students and to protect them from the “dark side” of the web.

The Differences between “PBL Versus Project Based Learning”

via Edudemic

There’s a big difference between using projects in the classroom versus project-based learning in the classroom. What are those differences, you ask? Lucky for you, friEdTechnology (great name) whipped up this snazzy side-by-side comparison outlining the biggest differences.

In the visual, they describe what ‘projects’ are and how they work in the classroom. For example, projects can be done at home without teacher guidance or team collaboration. They are based upon directions and the folks from friEd say they’re “done like last year” (curious if you agree with that or not!)

On the flip side, Project-Based Learning is a fluid technique to enhance learning that really looks nothing like projects as they’re described below. For example, in a PBL scenario, the teacher’s work is typically done prior to the start of the project, it’s graded on a clearly defined rubric, and has driving questions that keep the learning going.

As you can see, this is quite a slanted look at how projects are different from project-based learning but it’s interesting nonetheless. What do you think of this chart? Is it accurate? Are the descriptions correct? What would you change?



Jeff Piontek commentary on this is that either way these are engaging ways to get our students to look at school/classes in a very different manner. 

Report: BYOD Has the Potential to Expand Greatly in Five Years

via eSchool News

Results from a new survey presented during ISTE 2013 indicate that U.S. schools and universities still strive to expand their technology use, and postsecondary institutions often lead the way in technology integration.

On June 26, the Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) released the full report from its 2013 Vision K-20 Survey, the sixth annual national survey to measure U.S. educational institutions’ self-reported progress toward building a framework that embraces ed-tech and eLearning.

For the first time, the 2013 survey asks about “bring your own device” (BYOD) policies in the classroom. The responses varied by education level, with only 20 percent of the elementary segment currently allowing devices in the classroom compared to close to half of the secondary and K-12 district segments. However, this gap may narrow in the next five years if participant expectations are accurate.

A majority of K-12 and close to half of postsecondary participants who report devices are allowed in the classroom also mention that their institutions currently restrict their use. At the K-12 level, restrictions on use can be expected to stay the norm in the near (five-year) future. However, at the postsecondary level, responses indicate two different paths for BYOD: people at institutions that currently allow devices but restrict their use anticipate restrictions are likely to continue in the future, while those who report BYOD with no current restrictions anticipate no restrictions in the future.

Among institutions that currently allow BYOD, more than three-quarters of K-12 educators report current restrictions on their use in the classroom. Among respondents at institutions which currently allow BYOD or expect their institution will allow BYOD within the next five years, a majority anticipate future restrictions on use, although a notable proportion in each segment say they don’t know.

Other notable findings include:

  • Levels of ed-tech integration at schools are holding steady despite budget challenges, while interest in ed-tech integration continues to remain high.
  • Schools and universities continue to rate the importance of ed-tech integration as very important.
  • Postsecondary continues to lead the way in ed-tech integration compared to K-12.

The final 2013 report is available here.

The 2013 Vision K-20 Survey was developed to provide benchmarks against which educators and administrators can measure their institutional progress in using technology to provide 21st century tools, anytime/anywhere access, differentiated learning, assessment tools, and enterprise support.

“Jeff Piontek” as an administrator and as a teacher this is interesting. Being the former Director of Instructional and Informational Technology I have implemented a 1:1 program and it is daunting. This is the way of our students in our schools today.