8 Educational (and Fun) iOS Games for Teens

via Mashable

There’s a reason you learned more from Bill Nye than your actual science teacher. Mr. Nye made learning fun.

If your middle/high school student is struggling to grasp some concepts in school, there’s an app for that. Bonus points: if it’s part of our list, it’s a fun one.

The App Store is filled with productivity and educational apps to help your student achieve straight As. But sometimes a good game can provide the extracurricular support a student needs to truly understand a difficult lesson. We’ve selected a game for eight school subjects to give your student’s educational performance a boost.

Don’t see your problem subject here? We certainly haven’t exhausted the supply of educational games. Search the App Store for a game suited to your child’s age level, subject matter or gaming style. And share your favorite educational game in the comments section below.


1. Chemistry – Space Chem

This addictive, design-based puzzle game is loosely based on the principles of chemistry and chemical bonding.



2. English – Psychobabble

There are a million word scramble and Scrabble-like games in the App Store that — don’t get us wrong — we love dearly. But Psychobabble offers something a little different. Build your vocabulary and quicken your brain with this word association game.

Image: Ultralingua, Inc.



3. History – WWII: History Challenge

This quiz game is good for history students and trivia buffs alike. Test your knowledge of important battles, generals, statesmen and weapons of WWII. The faster you answer, the more points you earn.

WWII not your thing? Try one of the other history games by this developer.

Image: Maple Leaf Soft, Inc.



4. Social Studies – Presidents vs. Aliens

Learn presidential facts, quotes and historical events as ammo against an oncoming alien invasion. Unlocking more presidents also unlocks bonus games: Heads of State and Executive Order. We’re still waiting for the Bill Pullman update, though.

Image: Dan Russell-Pinson



5. Physics – Simple Physics

Using realistic physics principles, players design and build bridges and other structures as strongly and cheaply as possible. Test your designs by adding strain with your fingers, or tap the screen for an explosion to commit “ultimate annihilation.”

Image: Jundroo, LLC



6. Algebra – DragonBox Algebra 12+

Expanding on DragonBox Algebra 5+, this game teaches students more advanced concepts in mathematics and algebra. Instant feedback makes for effective lessons as students explore and learn at their own pace.

Image: WeWantToKnow AS



7. Foreign Language – Duolingo

This simple language app gamifies foreign language education by awarding points for every level you finish. It only gives you three wrong answers before you have to restart the level. You’ll breeze through lessons without even realizing how much you’re learning.

Image: Duolingo



8. Biology – Spore Origins

Build and perfect your own organisms, unlocking and adding different traits to ensure their survival. Play in Evolution or Survival mode, explore your surroundings in the primordial ooze and avoid larger creatures to stay alive.

Image: Electronic Arts

Six New Changes in Children’s Media Habits

“The digital generation have an incredible appetite for media. Laura Devaney at eSchool News identifies six important statistics from a Common Sense Media report. Although television remains the most common platform for children’s educational content, mobile device usage has skyrocketed in recent years. What will this mean for schools and their students? ”


via eSchool News

Children’s mobile media use has skyrocketed, report shows

Children’s use of mobile devices and mobile apps has jumped dramatically in the past two years, doubling and tripling in some cases, according to results from a large national Common Sense Media report.

In 2011, 8 percent of families with children ages 0-8 owned an iPad or similar tablet device. In 2013, 40 percent of those families had an iPad or similar device. According to “Zero to Eight: Children’s Media Use in America 2013,” smart phone ownership has grown from 41 percent of families in 2011 to 63 percent of families today.

Two years ago, roughly half (52 percent) of all children up to age 8 had access to a new mobile media device such as a tablet or smart phone. Now, 75 percent of children have this access.

The report also reveals a marked increase in children who use mobile devices every day–from 8 percent in 2011 to 17 percent today. The amount of time children spend using these devices has tripled, jumping from 5 minutes a day among all children in 2011 to 15 minutes in 2013.

The authors note that along with expanded access comes greater use. Almost two times the number of children ages 0-8 have used a mobile device (72 percent) as compared to 2011′s results (38 percent).

Here are six key findings in the report:

1. Children’s access to mobile media devices is much greater today than two years ago. In 2011, only 8 percent of families with children ages 0-8 owned a tablet device. In 2013, 40 percent of families reported owning a tablet.

2. Roughly twice as many children use mobile media today than in 2011. The amount of time using the devices has increased, which is a reflection of wider access to devices. Today, 72 percent of children ages 0-8 have used a mobile device.

3. “Traditional” screen media use, such as television and video games, has decreased by more than 30 minutes per day. Overall, children ages 0-8 spend 1 hour and 55 minutes on “screen time” a day, compared to 2 hours and 16 minutes in 2011.

4. Children still spend most of their media time watching television, but viewing habits have changed. Fifty-eight percent of children watch TV at least once a day. Half of children’s daily screen time (1 hour and 55 minutes each day) is spent watching TV on a TV set, but this viewing includes watching pre-recorded, downloaded or streamed, or on-demand programs.

5. Poor and minority children have more access to mobile devices and apps than they did two years ago, but a large access gap still remains.Access to high-speed internet has remained about the same, with 42 percent of low-income families having access in 2011 and 46 percent having access in 2013. But access to smart phones is increasing–27 percent of lower-income families reported owning a smart phone in 2011, and in 2013, that figure has jumped to 51 percent. Tablet ownership, which sat around 2 percent in 2011, jumped to 20 percent of lower-income families. In 2011 just 22 percent of lower-income children had ever used a mobile device, and today, 65 percent of lower-income children have. But gaps still remain: though 20 percent of lower-income children own a tablet, 63 percent of higher-income children do. Thirty-five percent of lower-income parents have downloaded educational apps for their children, compared with 75 percent of higher-income parents.

6. Television is the most common platform for children’s educational content. Though many children access educational materials on mobile devices, television continues to top the list. Sixty-one percent of children ages 0-8 “often or sometimes” watch educational TV shows. When it comes to children ages 5-8, 59 percent “often or sometimes” watch educational TV, 48 percent “often or sometimes” use educational computer games, and 44 percent “often or sometimes” use educational games or apps on mobile devices. Fifty-four percent of higher-income children “often or sometimes” use educational content on mobile devices, but only 28 percent of lower-income children do the same.

The authors note that “the change in screen media use from 2011 to 2013 is a result of children spending less time using ‘traditional’ screen media” such as watching television and DVDs, but “on the other hand, children are averaging more time consuming media on mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets in 2013 than they did two years ago.”

The report is the second in a series of national surveys on children’s media use. Researchers used the same methods used with the first report in order to document how children’s media behaviors have changed.

Brain-Imaging with Entertainment

“Neuroimaging, or brain imaging, is the concept of actually putting a visual map on the structure and function of the brain. This advance in brain research has given us huge strides forward in our understanding of the human brain. Researchers in Australia are now working with the world’s first machine for brain imaging studies that features its own in-house entertainment. Read about the work they are doing with it in the following Stuff article by Nicky Phillips.”


via Stuff.co.nz

Jane CorlessBOXED IN: Jane Corless, who has a cochlear implant, being scanned by the new machine. (NICK MOIR/Fairfax)
Brain imaging may have transformed scientist’s understanding of our most complex organ – but try getting a three-year-old to lie still, cocooned inside a machine, for 45 minutes while an image is being taken.

An Australian university is now in possession of the world’s first child-friendly brain-imaging device, which can keep kids occupied by displaying a movie or a game.

Researchers will use the custom-built machine to study brain development during early childhood.

One of the first studies to be performed will image the brains of children with cochlear implants to understand how the brain processes information from the hearing devices.

“We know early intervention yields the best cognitive outcomes for children because brain plasticity is optimal in the first few years of life,” said Stephen Crain, the director of ARC centre of Excellence in Cognition and its Disorders at Macquarie University, where the unit will be housed.

“Using the new system, we plan to investigate how the brain is able to achieve so much more during this period using the same information,” he said.

The machine, called a cochlear implant MEG, or magnetoencephalography, processes brain function by measuring magnetic fields outside the head.

“When we process information like language, neurons are firing [inside the brain], and whenever neurons are firing they create tiny electric currents,” he said.

Surrounding these electric currents are magnetic fields, which travels through the blood, tissue and skull and can be measured by the imaging machine.

“The child can lie in the machine and watch a movie or play a video game,” Professor Crain said.

One of the most common brain imaging techniques, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) – which measures blood flow in neurons – requires a patient to lie in a noisy tunnel for 45 minutes with their head cocooned in a helmet.

“You don’t want to put your kid in there unless it’s necessary, such as suspecting they have a tumour or for pre-surgical mapping,” Professor Crain said.

As well as studying people with cochlear implants, the machine will also allow scientists to study language development in children.

Previously, this has been a difficult study area for linguists because young children struggle to perform language tasks that scientists use to measure language comprehension in adults.

Now researchers can watch how children’s brain respond to those tasks without them needing the verbal skills to respond.

Another benefits of the MEG is it could measure brain activity on a millisecond by millisecond response time, Professor Crain said.

“So it’s very accurate,” he said.

Report: NSA Broke into Yahoo, Google Data Centers

The Information Age has its own share of dangers and risks that come with us leaving our digital footprints. It’s sometimes unnerving to think that all of our collected information is available so easily and in only a few key domains where it is conglomerated and stored. How do you feel when you read the following article from the NZ Herald? What thoughts come into your mind, both about your own personal responsibility to yourself as a digital citizen, and the responsibilities of others, especially organizations of power and influence?”


via The New Zealand Herald

The National Security Agency has secretly broken into the main communications links that connect Yahoo and Google data centers around the world, the Washington Post reported Wednesday, citing documents obtained from former NSA contractor Edward Snowden.

A secret accounting dated Jan. 9, 2013, indicates that NSA sends millions of records every day from Yahoo and Google internal networks to data warehouses at the agency’s Fort Meade, Maryland, headquarters. In the last 30 days, field collectors had processed and sent back more than 180 million new records ranging from “metadata,” which would indicate who sent or received emails and when, to content such as text, audio and video, the Post reported Wednesday on its website.

The latest revelations were met with outrage from Google, and triggered legal questions, including whether the NSA may be violating federal wiretap laws.”

Although there’s a diminished standard of legal protection for interception that occurs overseas, the fact that it was directed apparently to Google’s cloud and Yahoo’s cloud, and that there was no legal order as best we can tell to permit the interception, there is a good argument to make that the NSA has engaged in unlawful surveillance,” said Marc Rotenberg, executive director of Electronic Privacy Information Center. The reference to ‘clouds’ refers to sites where the companies collect data.

The new details about the NSA’s access to Yahoo and Google data centers around the world come at a time when Congress is reconsidering the government’s collection practices and authority, and as European governments are responding angrily to revelations that the NSA collected data on millions of communications in their countries. Details about the government’s programs have been trickling out since Snowden shared documents with the Post and Guardian newspaper in June.

The NSA’s principal tool to exploit the Google and Yahoo data links is a project called MUSCULAR, operated jointly with the agency’s British counterpart, GCHQ.

In the last 30 days, field collectors had processed and sent back more than 180 million new records ranging from “metadata,” which would indicate who sent or received emails and when, to content such as text, audio and video …

The Post said NSA and GCHQ are copying entire data flows across fiber-optic cables that carry information between the data centers of the Silicon Valley giants.The NSA has a separate data-gathering program, called PRISM, which uses a court order to compel Yahoo, Google and other Internet companies to provide certain data. It allows the NSA to reach into the companies’ data streams and grab emails, video chats, pictures and more. U.S. officials have said the program is narrowly focused on foreign targets, and technology companies say they turn over information only if required by court order.In an interview with Bloomberg News Wednesday, NSA Director Gen.

Keith Alexander was asked if the NSA has infiltrated Yahoo and Google databases, as detailed in the Post story.”Not to my knowledge,” said Alexander. “We are not authorized to go into a U.S. company’s servers and take data. We’d have to go through a court process for doing that.”It was not clear, however, whether Alexander had any immediate knowledge of the latest disclosure in the Post report. Instead, he appeared to speak more about the PRISM program and its legal parameters.

In a separate statement, NSA spokeswoman Vanee Vines said NSA has “multiple authorities” to accomplish its mission, and she said “the assertion that we collect vast quantities of U.S. persons’ data from this type of collection is also not true.”The GCHQ had no comment on the matter.The Post said the NSA was breaking into data centers worldwide. The NSA has far looser restrictions on what it can collect outside the United States on foreigners.David Drummond, Google’s chief legal officer said the company has “long been concerned about the possibility of this kind of snooping.””We do not provide any government, including the U.S. government, with access to our systems,” said Drummond. “We are outraged at the lengths to which the government seems to have gone to intercept data from our private fiber networks, and it underscores the need for urgent reform.”Google, which is known for its data security, noted that it has been trying to extend encryption across more and more Google services and links.

Yahoo spokeswoman Sarah Meron said there are strict controls in place to protect the security of the company’s data centers. “We have not given access to our data centers to the NSA or to any other government agency,” she said, adding that it is too early to speculate on whether legal action would be taken.

The MUSCULAR project documents state that this collection from Yahoo and Google has led to key intelligence leads, the Post said.Congress members and international leaders have become increasingly angry about the NSA’s data collection, as more information about the programs leak out.Alexander told lawmakers that the U.S. did not collect European records, and instead the U.S. was given data by NATO partners as part of a program to protect military interests.

More broadly, Alexander on Wednesday defended the overall NSA effort to monitor communications. And he said that as Congress considers proposals to scale back the data collection or provide more transparency to some of the programs, it’s his job to lay out the resulting terrorism risks.”I’m concerned that we give information out that impacts our ability to stop terrorist attacks. That’s what most of these programs are aimed to do,” Alexander said. “I believe if you look at this and you go back through everything, none of this shows that NSA is doing something illegal or that it’s not been asked to do.”Pointing to thousands of terror attacks around the world, he said the U.S. has been spared much of that violence because of such programs.

“It’s because you have great people in the military and the intelligence community doing everything they can with law enforcement to protect this country,” he said. “But they need tools to do it. If we take away the tools, we increase the risk.”

Associated Press writers Mike Liedtke in San Francisco and Raphael Satter in London contributed to this report.

Can The Blended Classroom Help Instill ‘Grit’?

Can The Blended Classroom Help Instill  ‘Grit’? first appeared on Navigator by Compass Learning on April 24, 2014.

By: Kurt Bauer

There has been a lot of talk over the last couple of years about ‘grit’ and its place in the classroom. ‘Grit’ has more or less officially entered the lexicon of edu-speak. ‘Grit’ has been equated to perseverance or resilience, or both. As defined by psychologists, grit is “an individual’s passion for a particular long-term goal . . . coupled with a powerful motivation to achieve” that goal. For decades, these same psychologists, along with educators and others, have debated whether grit is an inherited trait or a quality that can be introduced and fostered. Putting aside the nature-versus-nurture contentiousness for a moment, let’s assume that this attribute, combining desire with stick-to-itiveness, is both worthwhile and teachable.

The idea that grit is a good thing for a student to possess is pretty hard to argue with. Plenty of studies suggest that students who set high goals and don’t become discouraged by setbacks are statistically more likely to achieve academic success than classmates who cannot articulate a goal or find it difficult to overcome failure, almost regardless of comparative levels of intelligence. The idea of grit generally appeals to our common sense as well. So how does one go about instilling grit in one’s students—or encouraging and developing the trait in students who appear to possess it?

In a traditional classroom, an educator could encourage risk-taking and create an environment that students might recognize as supportive by instituting risk-free homework grading policies; that is, credit is given for completion of practice tasks, with no final grade penalty for making mistakes. Alternately, one could give opportunities to regain score points lost to wrong answers on practice assignments, homework, or assessments by reworking missed problems or questions, encouraging students to keep trying. But if these well-worn models are at least theoretically workable, how much better might a blended learning environment be for instilling grit?

In a blended setting, where teacher-directed instruction is combined with digitally-delivered content, practice, and assessment, customizable and adaptive digital instruction systems contribute the multiple advantages of easy, student-controlled review, repetition, and reinforcement of content, student performance tracking, and mapping learning paths that precisely address student learning gaps based on results. This automation frees the teacher to serve as a coach and mentor, to encourage students to keep trying, and to use the precise data generated by the digital tools to focus his individualized efforts with each student.

But all educators are aware that simply creating, or attempting to create, a learning environment that encourages risk-taking and grants a ‘license to fail,’ seldom suddenly or magically motivates unmotivated students. Michael Horn argues that digital delivery of a mastery-oriented curriculum mitigates the gloom of failure, though, and turns the periodic, repeated discouragement of falling short into a daily, incremental opportunity for encouragement and motivation. When the student immersed in such a blended environment has the opportunity the very same day to circle back onto an analogous but not repetitive learning path and prove herself on another assessment, the looming boogeyman of test anxiety doesn’t have the chance to be quite as scary.

And what’s more likely to put grit into students—trying, learning from mistakes, trying again, and succeeding, every day, or dreading the unit test lurking out there in the murky distance?

Seems like the blended model is worth a try.

Meet the Real Siri and Other Iconic Voices of Technology

Ever wonder who the people behind the voices are that you hear coming from behind our favourite technologies and public services? Let Dave Lee introduce to you to a few of them from Siri, the London Underground, and more in this article for the BBC News site.”


via BBC News

Meet the real Siri, and three other iconic voices of everyday technology.

Millions of people hear their voices every day – but would you recognise them if you saw them walking down the street?

Well maybe now you will.

The BBC met the faces behind four of the most famous and iconic voices heard in technology today.

Jon Briggs – The British ‘Siri’

Siri, Apple’s voice-powered personal assistant, made its debut in June 2010. Since then, millions of the devices with the feature have been sold worldwide.

In the UK, the voice you will hear responding to commands belongs to Jon Briggs, an illustrious voiceover artist whose portfolio includes the likes of the Weakest Link, Radio 2 and Channel 4.

Jon had offered up his voice to a firm that specialises in computer-generated speech – that is, taking Jon’s voice but moulding it to say virtually any possible phrase. Apple, when creating Siri, picked out Jon – unbeknownst to him.

“I discovered that I was being used as the voice of Siri when Rory Cellan-Jones, the BBC technology correspondent, suddenly started demonstrating it on BBC Breakfast.

“I thought ‘I recognise that voice!’, and so it was true – and it’s a slightly bizarre journey since then.”

It means that while his voice is now being played out countless times a day all over the country, Apple has not paid him – he only received the fee earned he when recording the original material.

But, he says he’s excited to be “in early” on what he believes is changing how we use technology.

“You can take a photograph of your desk – there is a screen a keyboard and a mouse.

“You will show it to your children or your grandchildren and they will laugh and go ‘you had a thing called a mouse? What’s that funny thing with letters on?’”

Emma Clarke – Voice of the London Underground

London UndergroundEmma’s voice can be heard on several London Underground lines

In contrast to the received pronunciation of her “Tube” voice, Emma Clarke’s speaking voice is in fact Northern – growing up, as she did, in Sale near Manchester.

Her voice can be heard across the Bakerloo, Central and District lines of London’s iconic Underground network.

The process of getting the job was long and painstaking – months of focus groups and whittling down possible candidates. During the selection, each possible voice was given a codename. Emma’s, apparently, was ‘Marilyn’.

“Had they named me ‘Brenda’ I’m not sure I’d have got the gig,” she jokes.

She now gets fan mail from all over the world, particularly from Texas.

“People initially thought I was actually on the train!” she says, “Or in some kind of central control room. I don’t know where they thought it was.”

She says she is proud to lend her voice to the network, but adds that she hopes some of the lines she recorded never have to be heard by the public.

“There were a couple of emergency announcements, that I remember when I read them on the script I thought ‘oh god, imagine how these people will feel when they hear these announcements.

“I felt such a sense of responsibility, of calming people down.”

Terry Green – ‘Cashier number three, please!’

Post Office sign

Unlike the other voices in this piece, Terry Green is the only one who doesn’t consider his voice to be his profession.

He found his way to audio fame indirectly. He specialises in customer service, and the systems used in shops to get things moving and punters through the tills.

And so it was, when the company he was working for needed a male voice to beckon people to the till, he stepped forward: “Cashier number three, please…”

“We just sat down with a digital voice recorder, laid down the track, and that was it! I was on the prototype system, and then suddenly rolled out to 8,000 shops.”

They recorded up to cashier number 25 – but now the system goes much further. Indeed, around the world, the company’s technology is used in thousands of stores – although with local voices instead of Terry’s.

Now he makes his living as a leading expert on the study of shoppers’ behaviour.

“My voice was on all these systems that we were rolling out, so I was becoming more and better known. I started writing white papers, and eventually I came to write a book.”

Sara Mendes da Costa – The Speaking Clock

Sara Mendes da Costa Sara was unveiled as the latest voice of the speaking clock in 2007

One morning, Sara Mendes da Costa was listening to Terry Wogan on Radio 2 when he mentioned that a competition would be held to find the new voice of the Speaking Clock.

“A little bell rang in my head and I went ‘oooh!’”

She wasn’t alone – within moments she had had calls friends and family saying she should put herself forward.

She won, and from 2007 she took over the voice of the Speaking Clock, which is called up approximately 60 million times each year.

It was a job she was excited, but nervous, to take on.

“Brian Cobby, who sadly passed away last year, had the most beautiful, rich, Shakespearian voice.

“Then I came along – I have visions of people going ‘oh…’!”

“But they wanted something different, someone a bit more of the moment, a little bit more who we are now.”

Sara uses the Speaking Clock regularly in her day-to-day work, and admits she just can’t resist listening to each and every word.

“I listen until when it goes through to ‘precisely’ – and only then I can hang up!

“It’s just a weird thing that I’ve got.”

Google’s Next Big Project: Beat Death

The irony is so thick you could cut it with a light saber. According to this article by Nick Kolakowski featured on Slashdot, Google is going head to head with the grim reaper. The search giant, who has already made us immortal by collecting our information and storing it forever, now wants us to live forever. If successful, we will be able to search forever for the information it stores about us forever. Think of the implications for lifelong learning … ”


via Slashdot

Calico will focus on health-related issues, specifically aging and associated diseases.

Google has created a new company, Calico, with a mighty task: beat back death, or at least ensure that people live in better health for longer.

Calico will focus on health-related issues, specifically aging and related diseases. Art Levinson, the former CEO of Genentech, will serve as Chief Executive Officer.

In a posting on his Google Plus page, Google CEO Larry Page acknowledged that a medical-research firm is well outside Google’s usual focus. “But as we explained in our first letter to shareholders, there’s tremendous potential for technology more generally to improve people’s lives,” he wrote. “So don’t be surprised if we invest in projects that seem strange or speculative compared with our existing Internet businesses.” Any investments in Calico, he added, will remain small in comparison to Google’s core business operations.

Aging is something that affects every living organism, of course, and it seems as if Calico will tackle the host of degradations that come along with it, from decreased mental acuity to the inability to physically move from Point A to B. In a separate press release, Page summarized the project as “moonshot thinking.”

If recent research into medical issues is any indication, Calico will need to employ the latest and greatest data-analytics tools if it wants to make any headway. Private tech firms such as IBM, as well as the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and other government agencies, are all pouring millions of dollars into medical-oriented Big Data research. NIH, for example, recently announced that it would sign over $24 million per year to the Big Data to Knowledge Centers of Excellence, investigator-initiated facilities that will research data science. “The ability of researchers to locate, analyze, and use Big Data (and more generally all biomedical and behavioral data) is often limited for reasons related to access to relevant software and tools, expertise, and other factors,” read a note posted on NIH’s BD2K Webpage.

Hospitals are also getting into the game, announcing alliances with tech firms on data-analytics initiatives. Take Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City, which announced in February that it had partnered with IBM and WellPoint to train the Watson supercomputing platform in processing and interpreting oncology data; similar efforts are underway across the country.

Given Google’s ability to store and analyze massive amounts of data, and its army of sophisticated engineers, it’s certainly capable of a mighty medical-analytics effort. But conquer death? That still might prove an impossible goal.

10 Social Media Skills for the 21st Century

Digital social networking is a game changer in the learning landscape. It is an invention that amounts in its importance and usefulness to the big inventions that marked all mankind history. In ancient times, cultures, in the absence of any established sign language to encode its content, were orally based.

Storytelling was the major vehicle to pass on the human legacy from one generation to the other. Stories constituted the basis of collective learning and now with this rapid uptake of social media networks and their widespread , the notion of collective learning has been revived. There are several communities and affinity spaces where people get to meet and learn from each other irrespective of their geographical locations, race, ethnicity, and gender. The web is teeming with professional learning networks that span a wide variety of disciplines and interests and that, so often, open to anybody to jump in and participate in knowledge building.

The potential of social networking sites in education is huge and we need to capitalize on it to enhance our professional development and consequently improve the quality of our instruction. Searching for articles on this topic , I came across Doug Johnson’s post on the 10 social media competencies for teachers.


Social Media Skills


Our Kids Can’t Wait….we have a moral obligation

By: Phyllis Lockett

About a decade ago in Chicago, there were at least 27 communities, mostly concentrated on the south and west sides, where over 75 percent of the schools failed state standards. Since then, we’ve helped open 80 new schools and set the bar for citywide improvements to public education, but the truth is that the zip code you are born in in this city still can define your life’s trajectory.

If you are a kid growing up in one of these communities today, unless you are lucky enough to get into a magnet, selective enrollment, or charter school, you have a 60 percent chance of graduating from high school. If you drop out, you have a 75 percent chance of being unemployed, and a very high risk of being incarcerated. Of the 30,000 freshmen who enter CPS high schools, only 8 percent will earn a college degree.

Yet, I have seen firsthand the power of next-generation personalized learning models that accelerate student achievement and increase student engagement while improving teacher satisfaction. Schools where teachers pinpoint each student’s needs, fast-track remediation, and exponentially advance students to the next level.

I have also seen the potential cost savings that these models can deliver, a concern in cities across the country, including Chicago, where the school system faces a $1 billion deficit each year.

Impossible? Go check out Chavez Elementary, a traditional public school in Chicago’s Back of the Yards neighborhood where 7th graders take algebra and advance to geometry as soon as they are ready. Or KIPP Create in our Austin community, and see how they achieved the greatest literacy gains among all KIPP campuses nationwide.

Education technology is a $1 billion industry in America, with accelerators and incubators popping up on both costs. It has caught the attention of policy makers, districts, educators and families nationally and right here in Chicago.

Yet, little is known about what tech tools actually work. Plus, educators are often on their own to integrate stuff developed far from experts in teaching and learning.

That is why I am starting LEAP Innovations, to hasten the introduction of next-generation of teaching and learning. The LEAP Innovation Hub offers a new and systematic approach to evaluating what works in the edtech marketplace. We will advance personalized learning to prepare Americans for 21st century skills by supporting pilot studies of instructional technology in schools and other learning environments, conducting research, and providing training space and programs to connect educators, entrepreneurs, tech companies, learning scientists, and students to create next-generation learning school designs, share ideas and co-develop solutions for critical learning gaps.

Chicago is home to the nation’s third largest public school district, the largest Catholic school district, and one of the largest city college populations. Our region is a microcosm of the nation, so solutions developed can be used here – as well as nationally.

Across the country, we can no longer wait for innovative models of teaching and learning to pop up in isolation. That was just the beginning. We have to work together across all school models and learning environments to blend the best of what we have with the education technology innovations that are expanding rapidly across the globe.

Our kids can’t wait.

U.S. Lags Behind in Social Progress

n many ways the U.S. economy powers the global economy. The dollar is the global currency and English is the language of global business. Despite three generations of dominance in global trade and breaktaking wealth creation for business elite, social progress has slowed in American. Life, health, and opportunity is better for the average person in many other countries–that’s the tough truth told by the Social Progress Index 2014 Report.

“Economic growth without social progress results in lack of inclusion, discontent, and social unrest,” according to the report co-authored by Harvard economist and business advisor Michael Porter. The report recommends “twin scorecards of success” where “social progress sits alongside economic prosperity.”

The report is project of the Skoll Foundation sponsored Social Progress Imperative which seeks “to improve the quality of lives of people around the world, particularly the least well off, by advancing global social progress.” Social progress is defined as the capacity of a society to meet the basic human needs of its citizens, establish the building blocks that allow citizens and communities to enhance and sustain the quality of their lives, and create the conditions for all individuals to reach their full potential.

The Initiative sponsored the development of an index to measure outcomes in social and environmental areas in comparable ways across countries.

  • Basic human needs: nutrition, medical care, shelter, and safety
  • Foundations of wellbeing: access to basic knowledge; access to information and communication, health and wellness, economic sustainability; and
  • Opportunity: personal rights, freedom and choice, tolerance and inclusion, and access to advanced education

The report concludes that “the top three countries in the world in terms of social progress are New Zealand, Switzerland, and Iceland.”

The U.S. ranks second on GDP per capita but is 16th on the list with a score bolstered by access to advanced education but penalized by poor health outcomes (70th place despite spending more than any country) and weak access to basic knowledge (39th place on factors including high school enrollment and adult literacy) and access to information and communication (23rd place on indicators like cell phone subscriptions).

The report underscores the importance of access to quality health care for both social progress and prosperity–as well as how inefficient American health care is (i.e., high cost, terrible outcomes) and how unfortunate it is that U.S. political parties talk past each other rather than dealing with the hard facts laid out in this report (and many others).

Like healthcare, the report points out that access to quality primary and secondary education and access to broadband are essential to economic and social progress.

For those interested in creating smart cities–urban hubs of prosperity and progress–the implications are clear. Cities should make sure that

  • families in every zip code have access to great K-12 schools (and, like New Orleans, failing schools should be eliminated by improving or closing them);
  • all students have access to full and part time online learning, including world languages, college courses, and career and technical education;
  • students receive strong guidance services;
  • a web of youth and family services are available; and
  • broadband is widely and freely available and inexpensive at home (free for low income families with children)

Thanks to Fareed Zakaria GPS for a great interview with Michael Porter on the Social Progress Index.