Good Enough” TV Shows to Fill the Gap Between Preschoolers and Pre-Teens

Ahhh summertime, if only it was as ideal in reality as it is in our imaginations (or other people’s blog posts).  I guarantee we get plenty of family together time and my kids are just the right combination of active, entertained and bored. We play games, read books, frolic in the pool, host play dates, ride bikes, draw chalk on the sidewalk, build amazing lego structures, blow bubbles, but all of that rarely gets us past lunchtime. Plus, we live in Florida where it is either storming or almost 100 degrees most afternoons.

So, I will confess what most other moms may not want to, I ACTUALLY LET MY KIDS WATCH TV!!! Alright, those of you keeping the mommy wars alive, feel free to jump directly to the comments at this point. The rest of you, let’s move on shall we.  I really don’t have any guilt about letting my kids watch TV a couple of hours a day during the summer, but I do struggle with WHAT they are watching.

I don’t know about you, but when my now almost 10 year old son starting outgrowing the shows on Disney Jr and NickJr around five or six, I wasn’t ready to embrace the next set of dominant programming available. It felt like there was nothing in between Dora& Diego and Dating.  Plus, I couldn’t help wondering why all the parents on those “tween” shows were either absent or idiots? (Let’s just leave Max and Ruby out of this so things don’t get confusing). So, I began looking for appropriate entertainment that I knew he would find engaging, while not pushing him into territory that I didn’t think he was ready for and that I KNEW I wasn’t ready for.

Here’s a list of the options I found (some you might remember from your own childhood) that were a hit with him and gave me a few more years to keep tweendom at bay.  I realize these are not ALL A + programming and even have some limited violence. However, most are intelligently written, have moral lessons in them and when there is minimal violence it’s in the context of real fantasy and make believe. We all know TV isn’t perfect, but for most of us it is a part of life and we can at least feel like we’re being active in providing good enough choices on this front.

Here is a list of shows by network or other available distribution.  Many are available for free via Amazon Prime , I can’t tell you how much we’ve found the investment more than worth the yearly membership fee for our family. For those shows on network/cable television, if you have cable most can be found On Demand for free provided they are a part of your subscription package. We also have a DVR and we will set recordings for numerous episodes and then I just have them available as needed. A few of the networks do have commercials during the shows, so this way we can skip over those unwanted marketing messages.

“Good Enough” TV Viewing Choices for Preschoolers to Pre-teens:

1.  Inspector Gadget (Amazon Prime)


2. The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra  (Nickelodeon and Amazon Prime)


3. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Nickelodeon)

4. Animaniacs (Amazon Prime)


5. Pokemon (Cartoon Network)


7. Star Wars – The Clone Wars and/or the Yoda Chronicles (Cartoon Network)


8. Ninjago (Cartoon Network)


9. Win, Lose or Draw and Family Game Night (Disney)


10. Slugterra (Disney XD)


11. Phineas and Ferb (Disney XD)


12. Scooby Doo (Cartoon Network) 


13. The Penguins of Madagascar (Amazon Prime and Nickelodeon) 

14. Gilligan’s Island (TV Land) 


15. Mr. Peabody and Sherman (Amazon Prime) 


16. The Brady Bunch (


17. Full House (Nick and TBS)


18. Tom & Jerry (The Cartoon Network)


19. Dreamworks Dragons (The Cartoon Network)


11 Things That Are Supposed To Happen On Real Dates That Don’t Anymore

I don’t like dating. Mostly because no one seems to understand what dating is supposed to be anymore. These days, what gets labeled as a “date” is really just an unnecessarily extravagant booty call.

Listen, there is nothing at all wrong with just having sex. I’m all for it. But if you’re going to date, then actually date.

You should be capable of differentiating the two and approaching the two different scenarios differently. The problem is that most of us are so used to pseudo-dating in order to get off that when we find ourselves on what ought to be an actual date, we don’t know how to act.

If you’re going on a date, treat it like an actual date. If you don’t remember what that looks like anymore — and I can’t blame you for that — here are a few things that are supposed to happen:

1. Prior to the date, you’re supposed to feel nervous — especially if it’s a first date.

If you don’t feel nervous, then you’re not excited about the date. And if you’re not excited about the date, then why in the world are you going on the date in the first place? People these days date for the sake of dating.

We don’t go on dates because we find someone who truly catches our interest, but we go on dates because it’s an activity that fills some time — and possibly gets us laid.

If you’re really that bored, I’m sure you can find more productive things to do than force something that you already have little to no interest in.

2. You’re supposed to spend too much time getting ready.

I have a theory on why relationships fail. In their simplest form, I believe that they fail because both partners stop trying to impress the other.

We get too comfortable and feel that going that extra mile has no value. We already have our prize, so why continue pursuing it?

This is something that you should remember: You can always lose the person you love. Just because you have them now doesn’t mean that you’ll have them tomorrow.

You should impress them every chance you get because you love them and believe they deserve to be impressed. If this is your first date together and you feel no urge to put in a little extra effort, then I can tell you right now that it won’t go anywhere.

3. “Pick you up at your place at 7?”

That’s right — guys used to pick girls up and then go to dinner together. I’m sure that most of the men reading this don’t even remember the last time they picked a girl up and then went to dinner together.

Such a sight is surely more common in suburban and more rural areas, but in urban settings, it’s basically nonexistent.

Just because you don’t have a car doesn’t mean you shouldn’t pick her up from her apartment. Why? For one, it’s a nice and gentlemanly thing to do and she’ll appreciate it (which should be enough).

Two, you should want to squeeze in as much time with her as possible. Picking her up before dinner will get you at least an extra 30 minutes.

4. Whatever happened to flowers?

Yeah, yeah… save the planet. I’m certain that that isn’t the reason no guy has ever given you flowers on a date. For starters, it’s probably because he doesn’t pick you up and then take you to dinner (bringing flowers to the restaurant is a bit awkward and inconvenient).

But at the end of the day, it’s because he either feels like it’s too cheesy — thank you modern-day dating culture — or he doesn’t care about you enough to put in that extra effort.

Women love flowers. And if your woman happens not to, bring her chocolates instead. If she doesn’t like either, then find another woman — you’re dating the devil. (Kidding.)

5. Dinner, not coffee, not drinks, not “watching a movie at his place.”

Not going to see a movie at the movie theater, either. In case you’ve forgotten, the point of going on a date is to get to know the person. The best setting is over dinner.

You have plenty of time to talk, plus you get breaks during courses, allowing you to smooth out the awkwardness that almost always exists on first dates.

Coffee and/or drinks sends the wrong message. Coffee either means, “I just want to be friends” or “I don’t have the balls to ask you out to dinner.” And drinks… well drinks mean that you just want to get laid.

6. You’re supposed to have stimulating conversations.

Of course, not all dates will lead to stimulating conversations, but if you’re dating the right person, they will.

The right person for you is the person that you find it incredibly easy to talk to, the person you feel so comfortable with that you aren’t watching every word you say to make sure you don’t say something they’ll find inappropriate.

If you find yourself constantly making sure you aren’t stepping on his or her toes, or you spend an entire evening talking about the weather and them Yankees, take it as a sign that that should be your first and last date with that individual.

7. You’re supposed to drink in moderation.

I don’t believe that drinking on dates, even first dates, is a bad thing. It’ll help loosen you up and make you feel more relaxed — good things. Of course, many of us aren’t especially good at drinking in moderation.

Before you know it, you’re six drinks in and beginning to slur your words. I feel that the more “official” the date is, the more people watch how much they drink.

However, chances are that if you aren’t really on the date in order to date the person, but just there to hopefully get a little action after dinner, you’re going to get pretty smashed.

I mean, how else are you going to convince yourself — and her — that it’s a good idea for the two of you — two people who don’t even know each other — to have sex? Bottoms up.

8. The guy is supposed to pick up the tab.

Yes, you read that right. Of course, not every single time. In fact, I’d say that the guy should only pick up the tab on the first date.

After that, assuming both people can afford to pay for dinner, the bill should be put on rotation. But on the first date the guy should cover the tab. Why? Because guys take girls out on dates to treat them.

It shows that you care about her and that you’re capable of being selfless. Unfortunately, there are many women out there — you know who you are — that take advantage of this.

If you’re a guy and find yourself paying for dinner every single time, I hope you’re at least getting laid. If you’re not then, I’m sorry, but you’re a schmuck. If she’s using you, you should be returning the favor.

9. He’s also supposed to walk you — or take you — home.

It’s the gentlemanly thing to do. Dating is the result of romantic love making its way into human culture. It exists, and only exists, because we believe romantic love to be a thing.

For romantic love to exist, you need to be romantic. It’s not cheesy; it’s beautiful. You’re supposed to walk your woman home because you’re supposed to care that she gets home safe.

Chances are that it’s already late and, believe it or not, the streets can get dangerous for women at that time (and for men, too, depending on where you live). Yes, you already know that you aren’t going to get laid tonight, but walk her home anyway.

If you really are interested in her, show her that you care for her. It’s these little things that will win her over — not the size of your wallet. And if such acts of chivalry don’t win her over, at least you know that she isn’t interested in you for the right reasons.

10. You’re not supposed to sleep together on the first date.

If you want to build an actual relationship with this person, don’t drop your pants within the first 24 hours — it’s a simple rule. Waiting to first go on a few dates really does increase your chances of making the relationship into an actual relationship.

For starters, it shows the other person that you aren’t looking for just sex — if you have sex on the first date, no matter what you’re looking for he or she will assume it’s only sex.

Also, it helps build up tension and yearning — both necessary for the manifestation of romantic love.

11. You’re supposed to call her the next day.

I always crack up when a guy says, “I’ll talk to her in a few days, just so that she doesn’t think I’m too into her.” I’m sorry, but why would you not want her to know you’re into her? If she’s a woman who’s only interested in what she can’t have, then I’m afraid she isn’t ready to be in a relationship.

Don’t get me wrong, some games are fun. But this one is just stupid.

If the date went well and you find yourself thinking about her the next morning with a smile on your face, text her, email her or call her and let her know you had a great time and that she’s still on your mind.

If that doesn’t tickle her fancy, find yourself a better woman.

10 Things You Should Never Post On Social Media

We’re all pretty acquainted with social media at this point, and most times we don’t even think twice about the things we post. Most of it is harmless, but certain things can result in major consequences. To save yourself from the potential headache, here’s a list of things you should NEVER post on social media.

1. Relationship Issues

If you and your boo get into it, you may want to vent to your Twitter family about how much pain you’re going through or how much you hate your ex-boyfriend, but don’t be messy about it. Constantly posting your relationship woes is information strangers don’t need to know.

2. Nudes

No matter how much you love your body, the whole world doesn’t need to see it. Unless you’re aiming to be the next porn star, leave your nudes to yourself.

3. Pictures of you doing drugs or drinking alcohol

Have you heard the urban myth about jobs that look on your social media accounts before they decide whether or not you’re a good fit for their company? Yeah, well that’s not a myth. Posting pictures of you passed out from over indulgence in alcohol or drugs can be seen by not only potential employers, but law enforcement as well.

4.Personal opinions about your job

If you’re anything like most of the population, you hate you’re job. But just don’t, DON’T share your hatred for it on your feed. If your job ends up seeing it, they might do you a favor and relieve you of your dissatisfaction.

5. Your money

Unless your goal in life is to raise the chances of you getting robbed, posting pictures of your money or bank account just isn’t smart. Some people are pretty crafty these days and can find ways to digitally dig in your pockets.

6.Embarrasing pictures of your friends

Sure, it can be pretty funny, but posting embarrassing pictures of your close friends can set you up for major failure. The moment you post that picture of your best friend sleeping with her mouth wide open is the same moment she posts that picture of you on the toilet.

7.Work that isn’t copyrighted

Whenever we decide to get crafty and create some type of art that we’re proud of, our first instinct is to share it with any and everyone. But if you post anything that can easily be stolen and doesn’t have a copyright, someone else might be able to take the credit for all your hard work.

8.Personal conversations

Um, hello! He messaged you instead of posting it on your wall for a reason. Never post personal conversations, not only is it flat out inconsiderate but it’s rude. Even if someone messages you saying something completely out of line, don’t put them on blast. Take the high road, ignore it and delete it.

9. Too much information

There are just some things we don’t need or want to know about you. Telling us about how heavy your cycle is this month or how many times you’ve had to go to the bathroom today because of the tacos you ate yesterday is TMI. Please, spare us the details.

10. Classified information

Your phone number, your address or your social security number should never be posted on the Internet. It makes it way too easy for people to gain access to you and even easier for someone to steal your identity. Believe us, it happens!

30 Clever Innovations That Totally Need To Be Everywhere Already

1 | Movie theaters with screens in the bathroom so you don’t miss anything.


2 | Even better if the theater has bean bag seats.


3 | Traffic lights with countdown indicators.


4 | A pen that lets you scan and write in any color.


5 | A bike helmet that folds up.


 6 | Wall outlets with USB chargers.


 7 | It should also come with a built-in night light.

9 | Small tiles you can attach to your keys, wallet, computer, or pretty much anything. If you lose anything, you can then look up their location on your smartphone.

10 | Fresh pizza vending machines.


11 | Benches that you can turn to always have a dry seat.


12 | Power strips that you can expand and rotate.


14 | Parking garages with lights showing open spaces.


16 | Supermarkets with build your own 12-packs of soda.


17 | How to stop littering.


19 | Device that charges your phone from hot or cold drinks.


23 | Device to lift the Pringles up.


29 | Bike racks that don’t take up sidewalk space.


30 | Caution signs that are funny.

Apple targets for Apple Watch battery life revealed, A5-caliber CPU inside

Although Apple has said that the Apple Watch will need to be charged nightly, the company has not disclosed any details on how long the wearable’s battery will last. For the first time, people with knowledge of the Apple Watch’s development have provided us with the specific performance targets Apple wants to achieve for the Apple Watch battery, but the actual numbers may fall short of those targets.

According to our sources, Apple opted to use a relatively powerful processor and high-quality screen for the Apple Watch, both of which contribute to significant power drain. Running a stripped-down version of iOS codenamed SkiHill, the Apple S1 chip inside the Apple Watch is surprisingly close in performance to the version of Apple’s A5 processor found inside the current-generation iPod touch, while the Retina-class color display is capable of updating at a fluid 60 frames per second.

Apple initially wanted the Apple Watch battery to provide roughly one full day of usage, mixing a comparatively small amount of active use with a larger amount of passive use. As of 2014, Apple wanted the Watch to provide roughly 2.5 to 4 hours of active application use versus 19 hours of combined active/passive use, 3 days of pure standby time, or 4 days if left in a sleeping mode. Sources, however, say that Apple will only likely achieve approximately 2-3 days in either the standby or low-power modes…

Apple has also been stress-testing the Apple Watch’s battery life with pre-bundled and third-party applications. Our sources say that Apple is targeting 2.5 hours of “heavy” application use, such as processor-intensive gameplay, or 3.5 hours of standard app use. Interestingly, Apple expects to see better battery life when using the Watch’s fitness tracking software, which is targeted for nearly 4 hours of straight exercise tracking on a single charge.

As Apple is positioning the Apple Watch as a timepiece, the company has conducted numerous tests to determine how long it can run purely in time-keeping modes. We’re told that the Watch should be able to display its clock face for approximately three hours, including watch ticking animations, if nothing else is done with the device. However, it’s unlikely that most people would actually keep the Apple Watch clock face turned on for even three hours straight in a single day. When the Watch screen is not in use, the display is powered off, and the clock demands much less energy.

Considered separately, the active use app, clock, and fitness numbers sound very low, but the reality is that people will passively wear the Apple Watch for most of the day, actively interacting with it only for short periods of time. That’s why the Watch will be able to last the average user roughly a day on a single charge. We’re told that Apple has been shooting for roughly 19 hours of mixed usage each day, but that the company may not hit that number in the first generation version.

Sources tell us that battery life has remained a source of concern for Apple over the past year, and was a contributing factor for Apple pushing back the retail launch from an originally planned late 2014 to early 2015. To test real-world performance in a variety of conditions, the company has circulated a surprisingly large number of test units of the Watch: nearly 3,000 are said to be currently roaming around, mostly the stainless steel variant.

Screenshot 2015-01-22 14.06.36

Apple has also been working to perfect the MagSafe-based inductive charging mechanism for the Watch, which sources indicate was responsible for slower-than-expected recharging times that hopefully will be fixed in time for the product’s release. The company has developed both plastic and stainless steel versions of the circular charger, potentially one for the $349 aluminum and plastic Apple Watch Sport, and the other for the higher-end models. It’s unclear at this point whether the company will sell multiple versions of the charger, as Apple has only shown the metal variant, though the Apple Watch Edition is said to ship with a special box and charging dock that may incorporate the stainless steel MagSafe connector.

As of earlier this month, the Apple Watch is on track to ship by the end of March. We previously detailed how the Watch will integrate with the iPhone via an iOS 8.2-based Companion application.

The Worst Apps for Kids

Worst Apps for Kids


Be Sure to Check out the Latest in our Tech for Parents 101 Series: Taking Control of Technology Before Technology Takes Control of Your Family.

While it will be awhile before either of my children get any kind of mobile phone for their own use, I know several of their friends already have them.  Since I won’t be able to hold out forever and because I want my children to be educated if they encounter questionable apps on friends devices, I thought I would get ahead of the game with this listing of WORST APPS for kids.

If you’re child already has a phone, you might want to take a look to see if they have any of these already installed on their phone. If  so, consider doing a little more research so both you and they can make informed decisions about using them.  Also, take care to check the age restrictions listed by most apps before downloading. Many parents are unaware they exist and few of the apps actually have any real age verification process. Want to make sure your kids can’t download ANY apps without your approval…..

1. On an iPhone go into SETTINGS, GENERAL, RESTRICTIONS. You’ll be prompted to create a code and then you can select any phone functions that you don’t want your child to have free access to without your okay.

2. On an Android go into SETTINGS, USERS. Select ADD USER /RESTRICTED PROFILE . You will be prompted to set-up a passcode and then you can choose what they can access on their own and what they’ll need you to enter the passcode to access.

*** HINT*** A speaker I heard recently suggested parents use a “four letter” word as their passcode. It’s something few kids would EVER suspect and it will certainly be easy for you to remember. ;) 

If you want to investigate any app not listed below, a great place to start is at

Worst Apps for Kids


This is an instant messenger/social networking hybrid.Kids can send basic messages like texting, but also photos and files. Since it is used over the internet and anyone can attempt to connect with your child. This app allows kids to send private messages that can be very difficult for parents to access or which can be easily deleted. Since photos are involved, there is considerable opportunity for children to be exposed to inappropriate images. In addition, this is a commonly used app for sexting.

Worst Apps for Kids


This app allows kids to send photos that once opened by the recipient disappear after 10 seconds. However, should the recipient grab a screen shot of the picture, it is now a permanent image that could easily be shared with others.  Most children won’t think about the possibility of the screen shot and may be tempted to take risks sending things that they think will no longer exist after 10 seconds.

Worst Apps for Kids

Poof (and similar apps)

Poof  actually no longer exists, but it represents a whole category of apps that are constantly being created and then deleted, just to pop up as something new. These apps provide the ability to hide apps from being displayed on the phone screen. Therefore, parents who think they are being diligent about monitoring what apps their children are using, may not realize some have been hidden from their view.

Worst Apps for Kids


Whisper’s tag line is “Express Yourself – Share Secrets – Meet New People.” Already this doesn’t sound good for kids, right? Anonymity is the lure of this social meet-up app, where names are never used, but location can be provided within a one mile radius. Again, because kids are online when using it, they are open to anyone who wants to try and connect with them. This is yet another app with picture sharing capabilities as well, making it appealing for both cyber bullying and sexually oriented interaction.

Worst Apps for Kids


A social networking app set-up in a question answer forum that offers complete anonymity and no monitoring whatsoever by the company.  This app has already been involved in numerous serious cyber-bullying incidents both in the U.S. and abroad. There is very little ability to control privacy settings and even if your child blocks someone who is harassing them, the individual can still access their profile and view all interactions your child is having on the app.

Worst Apps for Kids


Twitter meets texting with complete anonymity thrown in.  A child can send an anonymous message of up to 200 characters and then using GPS, the message can be read by the nearest 500 other people using the app. No images with this one, but it still has gained in popularity quickly and has become a powerful tool for bullying and sexual content.

Worst Apps for Kids


Used to make and share short videos, six seconds in length that loop over and over again, this app is actually owned by Twitter. A messaging function has been added since the app launched and those using the app can search based on location.  As one would expect with anything that has video capabilities, explicit material is abundantly available and not hard for children to stumble upon. There has also been a trend of teens sharing videos of fights at school. Although Twitter has made some attempt to clean things up, it still is a questionable app for kids and is best used in the presence of parents.

Worst Apps for Kids


Here’s another with a great slogan – “The anonymous, simple, fun way to find friends who are down for the night.” Operating via a connection with FB, people can group their friends as just buddies or those that they’d like to get “down” with, for a little, well…you know. Those looking for a little, well…you know, can search their friends  and see if they can find a match.

Worst Apps for Kids


The flame is a good indicator that this app is a little too hot for a young audience. Yet another hook-up facilitator, anyone using the app can upload their photo and then browse other’s photos indicating “interest” with a heart or a “no way” with a big X.  The app will then suggest those nearby who have “hearted” you and if you like them back, a connection is made which enables messaging. I’m sure you can come up with how many ways this could go bad on so many levels without me elaborating any further.

Worst Apps for Kids


Basically chatting with a random stranger, either via standard messaging or with video. For added risk, the app can connect with a Facebook account and then will attempt to connect people using the app to those who have similar “likes”.  There is nothing to keep kids from being exposed to inappropriate content and there is ample opportunity for personal information to be shared. When a conversation ends, the chat log can be saved and then a link will be provided that can be shared freely.

Worst Apps for Kids

Chat Routlette

Combine the randomness of roulette with spontaneous video chat, meaning you never know who you’re going to be paired with or what they might show you. Google it, and you’ll discover that it’s not something anyone should want to be a part of, let alone a young person.

Worst Apps for Kids


I’ll admit, this one sounds kind of cool and I could see it being useful in some situations. This app enables you to transform your mobile phone into a walking talkie. However, beyond just being able to say “over an out”, kids can also exchange photos, texts and other personal information. It’s gotten national attention as part of a high profile cyber bullying case. However, if you want to use it, just make sure you’ve got the location services turned off and privacy settings enabled. Plus, be clear who your child is communicating with when using it.

Looking for more technology and parenting information, be sure to sign up for our newsletter below so you won’t mis any of our future posts in this series. Want to see some of our previous posts related to technology?

What Your Name Says About Your Job

Alastair is particularly likely to be a journalist. Hannah has a good shot at being a poet. Dalton is more likely than most to sell insurance. Me? Apparently, I would be far from the only Alex or Alexander to become a stuntman or venture capitalist.

A new analysis from app maker Verdant Labs found the six most unique names in 37 different professions. These are the names that are more common in that line of work than in others.

Here’s Verdant Labs’ chart showing the six most disproportionately common names in each profession:

names by profession

The company crunched public records data used for its Nametrix baby-naming app, which offers information on various monikers — such as the popularity of a certain name and where it’s most common. Going through millions of records, the researchers considered whether certain names were more common in certain industries.

In a blog post, developer Mark Edmond explained more about the methodology:

Take Elvis, for example. There aren’t all that many Elvises out there, but a particularly high percentage of them are musicians. As a result, Elvis ranks high among musician names. Elvis isn’t the most common name among musicians — that’s likely to be John or some other very popular name. What’s interesting is that it’s way more common among musicians than you might expect, given how rare it is. In other words, it’s common in that profession relative to its overall frequency.

Some of the findings won’t be too surprising: Police officers, race car drivers, golfers and guitarists are more likely to be men. Social workers, librarians and graphic designers tend to be women.

Some other interesting tidbits: Football coaches are likely to have one-syllable names such as Rich, Mike or Bill. Songwriters’ names harken back to some famous male musicians of the 1960s and 1970s, including Sonny, Mick and Billy. Hebrew names such as Moshe, Meir, and Shlomo are extremely common among rabbis — who knew?

“So, do our names influence where we go in life? Or do the social, geographic, economic and other factors that might have influenced how our parents named us also direct our career paths?” Edmond wrote in the post. “Our hunch is that it’s mostly the latter, but bear in mind that the connection is subtle.”

Here’s a searchable list of the names and professions, too:

Rabbi: Judah, Shlomo, Meir, Yosef, Moshe

Police Officer: Wayne, Kevin, Louis, Raymond, Timothy, Kim

Poet: Edgar, Hannah, Celia, Anne, Dorothy, Edmund

Photographer: Hugo, Bruno, Zoe, Tracey, Noah, Annie

Race Car Driver: Bobby, Johnny, Robbie, Jimmy, Luigi, Sebastian

Graphic Designer: Diana, Alison, Vanessa, Jessica, Kurt, Jan

Golfer: Tommy, Willie, Bud, Simon, Johnny, Bobby

Geologist: William, Frederick, Henry, Samuel, Hugh, Leonard

Meteorologist: Scott, Bill, Joe, Jim, Jeff, Mike

Rancher: Leroy, Leland, Boyd, Clifford, Roy, Judy

Guitarist: Trey, Richie, Mick, Eddie, Buddy, Sonny

Drummer: Billy, Mickey, Joey, Dave, Tommy, Chad

Car Salesman: Pete, Travis, Clay, Larry, Bob, Allen

Football Player: Darnell, Jermaine, Reggie, Derrick, Nate, Quinton

Mechanic: Randy, Patrick, Dave, Rick, Jerry, Fred

Social Worker: Penelope, Stella, Constance, Jeannette, Marsha, Vivian

Hairdresser: Patricia, Raymond, Lori, James, Robert, Susan

Electrical Engineer: Bernard, Eugene, Harvey, Alfred, Charles, Edwin

Journalist: Hanna, Gideon, Alastair, Angus, Louisa, Jonah

Accountant: Kurtis, Charmaine, Maribel, Mitzi, Adele, Mindy

Football Coach: Bill, Mike, Rich, Steve, Jim, Dan

Librarian: Abigail, Margot, Nanette, Julia, Eleanor, Johanna

Soldier: Jeremy, Jacob, Zachary, Justin, Joshua, Kyle

Historian: Henry, Adrienne, Herbert, Carolina, Theodore, Emma

Farmer: Delbert, Marlin, Duane, Darin, Mavis, Elwood

Firefighter: Ryan, Darren, Brandon, Matthew, Jeremy, Jason

Fitness Instructor: Julie, Rebecca, Virginia, Karen, Jennifer, Pamela

Lawyer: Sanford, William, Norton, Marshal, Augustus, Cecily

Songwriter: Sonny, Mick, Richie, Stevie, Billy, Benny

Insurance Salesman: Patty, Garrett, Dalton, Mac, Clark, Brent

Interior Designer: Martha, Marjorie, Elise, Melinda, Bonnie, Lynne

Biologist: Sara, Suzanne, Stuart, Nicholas, Janet, Cheryl

Judge: Josiah, Lise, Archibald, Rufus, Louise, Clement

Stuntman: Alex, Erik, Eddie, Tom, Terry, Ben

Surgeon: Barrett, Harris, Sherwin, Jefferson, Holly, Sanford

Venture Capitalist: Shawn, Guy, Nicholas, Joanna, Doug, Alexander

Veterinarian: Peggy, Sara, Tracy, Wayne, Gene, Larry

58 Everyday Things You Never Knew Had Names

1. Petrichor: the way it smells outside after rain.
2. Purlicue: the space between the thumb and forefingers.
3. Wamble: stomach rumbling.
4. Aglet: the plastic coating on a shoelace.

Ian W. Fieggen / Via

5. Vagitus: the cry of a newborn baby.
6. Glabella: the space between your eyebrows.

7. Chanking: spat-out food.
8. Lunule: the white, crescent shaped part of the nail.
9. Peen: the side opposite the hammer’s striking side.
10. Tines: the prongs on a fork.
11. Souffle cup: a ketchup/condiment cup.
12. Natiform: something that resembles a butt.

13. Phosphenes: the lights you see when you close your eyes and press your hands to them.
14. Nurdle: a tiny dab of toothpaste.
15. Box tent: the table in the middle of a pizza box.
16. Cornicione: the outer part of the crust on a pizza.

Dennis Wilkinson / Via Flickr: 40761412@N00

17. Barm: the foam on a beer.
18. Rasceta: the lines on the inside of your wrist.
19. Overmorrow: the day after tomorrow.
20. Ferrule: the metal part at the end of a pencil.

21. Punt: the bottom of a wine bottle.

22. Keeper: the loop on a belt that keeps the end in place after it has passed through the buckle.
23. Minimus: your little toe or finger.
24. Zarf: the cardboard sleeve on a coffee cup.
25. Rectal Tenesmus: the feeling of incomplete defecation.
26. Agraffe: the wired cage that holds the cork in a bottle of champagne.
27. Columella nasi: the space between your nostrils.
28. Lemniscate: the infinity symbol.

29. Desire path: a path created by natural means, simply because it is the “shortest or most easily navigated” way.

30. Armscye: the armhole in most clothing.
31. Dysania: the state of finding it hard to get out of the bed in the morning.
32. Collywobbles: butterflies in your stomach.
33. Nibling: the non-gender-specific term for a niece or nephew — like sibling.
34. Griffonage: unreadable handwriting.

35. Paresthesia: that “pins and needles” feeling.
36. Defenestrate: to throw out a window.
37. Muntin: the strip separating window panes.
38. Philtrum: the groove located just below the nose and above the middle of the lips.

39. Snood: the fleshy thing around the neck of a turkey.
40. Vocable: the na na nas and la la las in song lyrics that don’t have any meaning.
41. Tittle: the dot over an “i” or a “j.”
42. Morton’s toe: when your second toe is bigger than your big toe.
43. Crepuscular rays: rays of sunlight coming from a certain point in the sky. AKA what your aunt might have called “God’s rays.”

44. Snellen chart: the chart you look at when you take an eye exam.
45. Crapulence: that sick feeling you get after eating or drinking too much.
46. Obelus: the division sign (÷).
47. Ideolocator: a “you are here” sign.

48. Brannock device: the thing they use to measure your feet at the shoe store.
49. Interrobang: what it’s called when you combine a question mark with an exclamation point like this: ?!
50. Mamihlapinatapai: the look shared by two people who both hope the other will offer to do something that they both want but aren’t willing to do.
51. Phloem bundles: those long stringy things you see when peeling a banana.

52. Semantic satiation: what happens when you say a word so long it loses meaning.
53. Octothorpe: the pound (#) button on a telephone.
54. Gynecomastia: man-boobs.

New Line Cinema

55. Mondegreen: misheard song lyrics.
56. Scurryfunge: the time you run around cleaning frantically right before company comes over.
57. Aphthongs: silent letters.
58. Tmesis: when you separate a word into two for effect.

Ted Talks: 10 talks you won’t be able to stop thinking about

Playlist (10 talks): 10 talks you won’t be able to stop thinking about

  • 18:19

    Jill Bolte Taylor got a research opportunity few brain scientists would wish for: She had a massive stroke, and watched as her brain functions — motion, speech, self-awareness — shut down one by one. An astonishing story.
  • 20:27

    Writer Andrew Solomon has spent his career telling stories of the hardships of others. Now he turns inward, bringing us into a childhood of adversity, while also spinning tales of the courageous people he’s met in the years since. In a moving, heartfelt and at times downright funny talk, Solomon gives a powerful call to action to forge meaning from our biggest struggles.
  • 15:24

    Here’s a TED first: an animated Socratic dialog! In a time when irrationality seems to rule both politics and culture, has reasoned thinking finally lost its power? Watch as psychologist Steven Pinker is gradually, brilliantly persuaded by philosopher Rebecca Newberger Goldstein that reason is actually the key driver of human moral progress, even if its effect sometimes takes generations to unfold. The dialog was recorded live at TED, and animated, in incredible, often hilarious, detail by Cognitive.
  • 16:52

    What happens when two monkeys are paid unequally? Fairness, reciprocity, empathy, cooperation — caring about the well-being of others seems like a very human trait. But Frans de Waal shares some surprising videos of behavioral tests, on primates and other mammals, that show how many of these moral traits all of us share.
  • 14:28

    Stress. It makes your heart pound, your breathing quicken and your forehead sweat. But while stress has been made into a public health enemy, new research suggests that stress may only be bad for you if you believe that to be the case. Psychologist Kelly McGonigal urges us to see stress as a positive, and introduces us to an unsung mechanism for stress reduction: reaching out to others.
  • 14:04

    Beware: Rives has a contagious obsession with 4 a.m. At TED2007, the poet shared what was then a minor fixation with a time that kept popping up everywhere. After the talk, emails starting pouring in with an avalanche of hilarious references—from the cover of “Crochet Today!” magazine to the opening scene of “The Metamorphosis.” A lyrical peek into his Museum of Four in the Morning, which overflows with treasures.
  • 19:37

    Psychologist Barry Schwartz takes aim at a central tenet of western societies: freedom of choice. In Schwartz’s estimation, choice has made us not freer but more paralyzed, not happier but more dissatisfied.
  • 15:21

    Jason Fried has a radical theory of working: that the office isn’t a good place to do it. In his talk, he lays out the main problems (call them the M&Ms) and offers three suggestions to make work work. (Filmed at TEDxMidWest.)
  • 5:01

    Within each of us are two selves, suggests David Brooks in this meditative short talk: the self who craves success, who builds a résumé, and the self who seeks connection, community, love — the values that make for a great eulogy. (Joseph Soloveitchik has called these selves “Adam I” and “Adam II.”) Brooks asks: Can we balance these two selves?
  • 10:01

    In art school, Phil Hansen developed an unruly tremor in his hand that kept him from creating the pointillist drawings he loved. Hansen was devastated, floating without a sense of purpose. Until a neurologist made a simple suggestion: embrace this limitation … and transcend it.

Modern Love: To Fall in Love With Anyone, Do This

In Mandy Len Catron’s Modern Love essay, “To Fall in Love With Anyone, Do This,” she refers to a study by the psychologist Arthur Aron (and others) that explores whether intimacy between two strangers can be accelerated by having them ask each other a specific series of personal questions. The 36 questions in the study are broken up into three sets, with each set intended to be more probing than the previous one.

The idea is that mutual vulnerability fosters closeness. To quote the study’s authors, “One key pattern associated with the development of a close relationship among peers is sustained, escalating, reciprocal, personal self-disclosure.” Allowing oneself to be vulnerable with another person can be exceedingly difficult, so this exercise forces the issue.

The final task Ms. Catron and her friend try — staring into each other’s eyes for four minutes — is less well documented, with the suggested duration ranging from two minutes to four. But Ms. Catron was unequivocal in her recommendation. “Two minutes is just enough to be terrified,” she told me. “Four really goes somewhere.”

Set I

1. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?

2. Would you like to be famous? In what way?

3. Before making a telephone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say? Why?

4. What would constitute a “perfect” day for you?

5. When did you last sing to yourself? To someone else?

6. If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the mind or body of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want?

7. Do you have a secret hunch about how you will die?

8. Name three things you and your partner appear to have in common.

9. For what in your life do you feel most grateful?

10. If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?

11. Take four minutes and tell your partner your life story in as much detail as possible.

12. If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?

Set II

13. If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future or anything else, what would you want to know?

14. Is there something that you’ve dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it?

15. What is the greatest accomplishment of your life?

16. What do you value most in a friendship?

17. What is your most treasured memory?

18. What is your most terrible memory?

19. If you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living? Why?

20. What does friendship mean to you?

21. What roles do love and affection play in your life?

22. Alternate sharing something you consider a positive characteristic of your partner. Share a total of five items.

23. How close and warm is your family? Do you feel your childhood was happier than most other people’s?

24. How do you feel about your relationship with your mother?


25. Make three true “we” statements each. For instance, “We are both in this room feeling … “

26. Complete this sentence: “I wish I had someone with whom I could share … “

27. If you were going to become a close friend with your partner, please share what would be important for him or her to know.

28. Tell your partner what you like about them; be very honest this time, saying things that you might not say to someone you’ve just met.

29. Share with your partner an embarrassing moment in your life.

30. When did you last cry in front of another person? By yourself?

31. Tell your partner something that you like about them already.

32. What, if anything, is too serious to be joked about?

33. If you were to die this evening with no opportunity to communicate with anyone, what would you most regret not having told someone? Why haven’t you told them yet?

34. Your house, containing everything you own, catches fire. After saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save any one item. What would it be? Why?

35. Of all the people in your family, whose death would you find most disturbing? Why?

36. Share a personal problem and ask your partner’s advice on how he or she might handle it. Also, ask your partner to reflect back to you how you seem to be feeling about the problem you have chosen.